Online Bully Someone who tries to torment, intimidate, harass or hurtfully coerce others. -Through what they say -Through what they do Verbal abuse, put-downs, name-calling, threats, and use of harsh language
Questions Almost all children and teens agree that it is easier to be mean and hurtful online than in person. Give me 5 reasons why? Why do children and teens tend to believe what is said to them? How does this tendency to believe what others say impact your life online?
More Questions Do you think it is a sign of strength or weakness to use the Internet for bullying? Why? Would you speak up if you knew of someone being bullied online? Why or why not?
Response Usual Ask questions of the bully Give it right back Should do Let an adult know Print or save abuse
Research Almost one-third of all teen online have suffered from some form of bullying. Girls are more likely to be bullied than boys. Bullying usually stops when adults in authority and peers get involved.
What do you know about cyberbullying? Take the quiz at
Acknowledgement Safe Practices for Life Online – A Guide for Middle and High School Students – Student Edition. Doug Fodeman and Marje Monroe, Directors,