As per Panchayati Raj Deptt.letter No 222 Dt , OCAC, BBSR has been placed order for procurement of supply & installation of desktop/Laptop, Software & Printer vide this office letter No 321 Dt and the same has been update in Rs has been released to OCAC, BBSR for supply of Desktop/Laptop, Software and Printer out of TFC fund. Govt. in PR Deptt. has been requested to release balance amount Rs to OCAC, BBSRto be paid to OCAC,BBSR. Purchase of Computer tables, Chairs & Almirahs for G.Ps are under process and will be supplied to the GPs soon.
SL No BlockPlaceDesktopLaptopPrinterUPSSoftwareInstallation 1 Angul Block20222 Y GPs Y 2 Banarbal Block20222Y GPs Y 3 Athmallik Block20222Y GPs Y 4 Kishorenagar Block20222Y GPs Y 5 Chhendipada Block20222Y GPs Y 6 Pallahara Block20222Y GPs Y 7 Kaniha Block20222Y GPs Y 8 Talcher Block20222Y GPs Y Total
Status of Priasoft in Angul District Block wise Summary Report of PRIASoft (Note:RV- Receipt Vouchers, PV- Payment Vouchers) Block PanchayatEntered Masters Entered Opening Balance Entered Vouchers Total No of Village Panchayats Total No of Village Panchayats with Master Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Opening Balance Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Receipt/Payment Voucher Entry ANUGULyes (RV-1)/(PV-2) 32 32/(RV- 39)/(PV-0) ATHMALLIKyes (RV-2)/(PV-1) /(RV-9)/(PV- 1) BANARPALyes (RV-5)/(PV-9) /(RV-8)/(PV- 3) CHHENDIPADAyes (RV-1)/(PV-2) /(RV-9)/(PV- 0) KANIHAyes (RV-1)/(PV-2) 26 4/(RV-4)/(PV- 5) KISHORENAGARyes (RV-1)/(PV-3) 21 7/(RV-0)/(PV- 8) PALALAHADAyes (RV-1)/(PV-1) /(RV-4)/(PV- 0) TALACHERyes (RV-2)/(PV-0) /(RV-0)/(PV- 0) Total
Problem face during Voucher Entry Unable to handle Mixed payment with Liability head. Some payment voucher entered and the cheque book status of the voucher is showing issue but does not appear in report section. Most of time it show your account is temporarily blocked please try after some time when we enter Username and Password Unable to entry Journal voucher. There is a mandatory field “ Receipt or payment. But we use Journal voucher for adjusting an advance which is neither Payment nor Receipt.
Suggestion The voucher entry is not user friendly. To make it user friendly a single window should be design for insert, delete & update the vouchers, so that time required for voucher entry will be reduced. A voucher entry should start with scheme entry. Use of radio button and calendar should be avoided. Voucher No should be auto generated and in ascending order. Provision should be provided to modify the Account Number Bank/Treasury. Generated Cash Book should be in printed format