Books on Prescription in Derbyshire The High Peak and Dales Pilot Scheme
Background - General Scheme developed in Cardiff in 2003 Booklist of 35 recommended titles drawn up by a team of clinical psychologists Books cover many of the psychological problems commonly encountered in primary care Majority of titles adopt a structured Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approach
Background - Derbyshire Publicity about the Cardiff scheme led to interest being generated amongst GP surgeries in the High Peak and Dales PCT Pilot surgeries – Bakewell Surgery in the Derbyshire Dales and Stewart Medical Centre, Buxton in the High Peak Partners – High Peak and Dales PCT, Derbyshire County Council Library Service and Derbyshire County Council Adult Community Education: Basic Skills Service
The Scheme in Action copies of each title on the Cardiff Booklist purchased Alternative formats bought where possible Books placed on closed access in Bakewell and Buxton libraries Staff instructions developed Prescription form, patient leaflet and poster for the surgery adapted from the Cardiff Scheme
The Scheme in Action - 2 Annotated booklists provided for each GP and other Health Care professionals based at the 2 surgeries The scheme explained to the surgery managers Briefing sessions for library staff Launch of the pilot schemes – May 2005
Development of the Scheme Introduction of the Primary Care Mental Health Worker Service Extension of the scheme, based on a Top Ten list of titles, to other libraries in Derbyshire Qualitative evaluation collected via postcards placed in the books Experience-sharing seminar planned for September
The Bakewell Pilot after one year 27 different titles borrowed 78 books/tapes borrowed in total 51 patients (15 male/36 female) 59 prescriptions from PCMHW 16 prescriptions from GPs and 2 from surgery counsellors 19 new library members No referrals to Basic Skills Service
Advantages of Books on Prescription schemes More immediate effects than some medication No adverse reaction with medication or other forms of treatment No adverse side effects and safe in pregnancy No danger of an overdose Tendency to continued improvement over time
Lessons Learned Commitment from key players Regular communication with partners Flexible approach to library procedures Self-duplicating prescriptions Support from staff Raising expectations Need for titles in alternative formats