What Is Big Data? And What Does It Mean to Marketers? Frank Cotignola October 17, 2013
Big Data is V 3: Volume, Velocity, Variety Big Data is V3: Volume, Velocity, and Variety – Volume: Data sets are increasing exponentially. The equivalent of all data that existed up to 2003 is now generated in two days ! – Velocity: Every sixty seconds, 168+ million s are sent globally.* – Variety: Mannequins, cars, people, mobile devices, jet engines, blogs, pictures, video, Google Glass, sensors, GPS, location-based data Big Data is also structured (databases, Nielsen) and unstructured (Twitter, RenRen, Facebook) data *
Our “ Big Data” Reality We still live in a world of mostly small data Tools versus reality (we still live in the Excel world) Can’t put our finger on all the data we have What are the common elements? How do we integrate all our data? “How is this different from what I am doing already?”
Big Data Can Help Us Better Understand Global Changes
Big Data Is At the Heart Of Media Success and Ad Targeting Campaigns/ advertising-through-outside-data-sources.html?pagewanted=all&_r=2& Facebook’s tool that allows advertisers to directly target FB users based on their offline purchase history Facebook feeds advertisers information on its members including their behavior outside the social network
Big Data Can Help Us Forecast Economic Trends, Which Can Drive Messaging Strategies Top Sources of Buzz Source: NetBase January 3, 2013,
Not: “How Can I Understand Big Data?” Instead: “How Can Big Data Improve My Understanding?”