UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation University Chair on Innovation WP5 Updating Project Meeting Beirut – 14th, 15th October 2009 Centro METID Nicoletta Trentinaglia This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5 – updating: Main Steps 5.1 Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities METID: ok! MEDA Univ.? 5.2 Design and customization of the online tools All along the project 5.3 Technological/methodological training in e-cooperation Next step 1 5.4 Online activity management, creation of an University – Enterprise online knowledge sharing system University (UE and MEDA) – Enterprise networking Next Step 2
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation 5.1 Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities: Visit to MEDA Universities: completed - Reports of each visit: in the Wiki: Pg Wp5Pg Wp5 IMPORTANT!!!: Labs ready within the 31/12/2009: Each MEDA Univ. Unchain PM is requested to complete, sign and send via mail to the check list of necessary requirements of Unchain Lab WITHIN THE 06/12/2009! Refer also list of necessary requirements of Unchain Lab HW-SW configuration e-collaboration Unchain.pdf NO Equipped Lab No WP5.3 Training ! WP5 – Updating: WP5.1
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5 – Updating: WP5.2 Design and customization of the online tools: Adding new Web 2.0 tools according to partners needs all along the project NEW! Unchain Forum Live Meetings Mailing List RSSRSS (…) IMPORTANT : To use all these tools: NECESSARY to assure the condition of the use of the band indicated in the doc: HW-SW configuration e- collaboration Unchain.pdf
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5. 3: Technological and methodological training YOU FIND ALL THE DETAILS AND DOCUMENTS IN THE WIKI YOU FIND ALL THE DETAILS AND DOCUMENTS IN THE WIKI WHAT? Training on e-collaboration activities WHY? 1. To support the outcomes of the project: University Chair activities (output 1), re-skilling program (outcome 3) and MSc twining program (outcome 3). Representatives for the three programs will be selected to be trained under this activity 2. To create the basis of a sustainable and durable e-cooperation among European Universities, MEDA Universities and Enterprises WHO? A selected target group of each MEDA Univ: MAX 15 people!: It is important to assure at least 1 PC every 2 people! Each target group in each MEDA Univ. will be then en charge to train other university staff: COMPLETE THE LIST of participants (WIKI) DEADLINE: 06/12/2009 WHEN? - From February to April 2010: See printed Calendar and wiki: complete the table! DEADLINE: 15/11/2009 COMPLETE THE LIST of participants (WIKI)Calendar complete the table! WHERE? In the Unchain equipped LABS: Remember LABS READY WITHIN the 31st December 2009!!! COMPLETE CHECK LIST of lab requirements (WIKI)COMPLETE CHECK LIST of lab requirements (WIKI) DEADLINE: 06/12/2009 Centro METID – WP5.3
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5. 4: Online activity management, creation of an University-Enterprise online knowledge sharing system Objectives: spreading the results of the cooperation activities pushing the growth of more interesting collaborative projects and discussions stressing on the necessity to establish university chairs on innovation in the MEDA region Activities: -supporting the exchange of reciprocal experiences among work groups -follow up the work group during both the planning of the activities to be performed through the use of tools placed at disposal and the coordination and management of the same activities; -monitoring and evaluating the experiences of exchange between Universities and Enterprises; -collecting and sharing in an online knowledge sharing system all the contents and projects developed by Universities and Enterprises involved, putting in evidence good practices developed Staff involved: Centro METID, Task Group 5, EU/MEDA representatives involved in the project Centro METID – Planning ( )
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation TODAY: Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Do you agree on the proposed planning? OK: AGREEMENT with partnership on the proposed PLANNING. Centro METID – Planning
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Centro METID is going to realize VIDEO - Interviews to Unchain partners When? the 14th October, H 15.30/ p.m. Why? To realize the Unchain Tube Including 2 playlists: - Video Interviews - DEMO You become the protagonist … you can tell everybody your experience in the Unchain project Something similar: Centro METID EU project: e-Lene Today: Beirut Meeting
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5 – Updating: Security The Wiki has been hacked! BUT Don’t worry! Centro METID has updated the WIKI with a new safer release