ICEE 2005 Reflections on the Attractiveness of the Civil Engineering Profession FG Baron R Reinecke CJ Kerr
INTRODUCTION An ongoing topic within EUCEET discussions, based on the following types of topic: Student numbers declining? Recruitment/retention problems in Industry? Other professions more highly respected? Attractiveness is how others perceive us Others: actual/potential students, the general public, politicians, other professionals
IS THERE A PROBLEM? Early debates suggest a mixed view Look at existing material Snapshot of informed opinion ECCE Role: Ask the national representatives Ask potential and actual students
COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA Gathering opinions not necessarily facts Trying to contact people outside our group and sphere of interest Different interpretations and understanding of English Different sample sizes, from Methodology; hindsight as a wonderful thing Scope and scale of project proved daunting
THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROFESSION – THE GOOD NEWS No particular downturn in applications Academic standards holding up Enough people going into the Profession
THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROFESSION – THE NOT- SO-GOOD NEWS Applications downturn in some ‘traditional’ areas Shortages in certain types of specialisations for Industry Very mixed views on quality of staff in the profession Level of salaries seen as a problem Engineering still seen as low status in some cases, compared to (say) Architecture
SCHOOL PUPILS ARE INFLUENCED BY: Perceptions of the prestige of the Profession they will enter Perceived attractiveness of that Profession Potential for earning a good salary Suggestions from friends/parents important in some cases only
SCHOOL PUPILS ARE NOT INFLUENCED BY: Length and duration of studies
PUPILS VIEWS ON CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSES Difficult, interesting and useful for solving practical problems If not inclined towards engineering, then seen as difficult, boring and tedious % Don’t know much about Civil Engineering
PUPIL’S VIEWS ON THE PROFESSION Good for solving practical problems Everything can be calculated and explained Not particularly seen as responsible for environmental damage Not recognised as able to remediate it either Not thought of as poorly paid
VIEWS OF FIRST YEAR STUDENTS Prestigious, difficult, forward-looking, central to the solution of infrastructure problems But also responsible for environmental damage Scope for international work, mobility, teamwork and collaboration with other Professions Mixed views on IT-involvement Mixed views on political involvement Not seen as dirty and poorly paid Civil Engineers more pro, others more anti or ignorant
CONCLUSIONS Not as bad as some expected Perhaps improved since 5 years ago Significant levels of ignorance Some worries about quality of engineers and shortages of specialists Quite positive views of what we do Some worries about responsibility and impacts on the environment It’s the money, stupid!
WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW? Publicity and promotional activities in schools Make it clearer what we do and why our work is important Civil Engineer role models Lobbying of Government and Regulatory Bodies Salaries