READING Do you think writing well is an inborn skill or an acquired one? How can you become a better writer? You will become competent only by: writing and rewriting experimenting with different strategies listening to the responses of readers How then, can it help to read the work of other writers?
READING Why do we read? Reading introduces you to new information People share facts, ideas, discoveries and ways of thinking Reading lets you learn about subjects and perspectives that otherwise would remain unknown to you. Gives you knowledge worth exploring
READING Reading gives you insight on your own experience Personal experience is a rich and powerful resource Helps you understand where you fit in the scheme of things Allows to you communicate with others whose experiences differ from your own
READING Reading exposes you to a broad range of strategies and styles There is no fixed standard of writing Reading helps you see how writers make choices to suit their subjects, their purposes and their readers
Do you think writing is easy for the pro’s? Writing is rarely easy, even for the pro’s.
Training yourself to read critically is a first step into becoming a better writer.
READING CRITICALLY How do you decide what to watch on TV? Reading is similar we skim a newspaper, magazine or Web site to get the gist of the content. This is not really reading ….
WHAT IS CRITICAL READING? Critical reading looks beneath the surface of a piece of writing Critical reading takes care and time It’s best to prepare yourself before hand And Read the work at least twice to uncover what it has to offer
LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT “THE BOX MAN” Read the biographical information provided before the essay. 1.What is the author’s background? 2.What qualifications does he or she bring to the subject? 3.What angle is he or she likely to take? 4.What does the title suggest about the subject and the author’s attitude toward it?
What can you predict about your own response to the work? What might you already know about the author’s subject? Based on the title and other clues, what do you expect to learn? Do you think you will agree or disagree with the author’s views? Why?
READING ACTIVELY Try not to read passively, interact with the work Do not let the words wash over you Discover its meaning, the author’s intentions and your own responses
Underline or bracket passages you find effective or important. Circle words you don’t understand. Put question marks in the margins next to unclear passages. Jot down associations, disagreements, connections
Read the information more than once. Multiple readings increase your mastery of the material. First read gives you a basic understanding Second and third readings reveal details and raise questions you may not have noticed the first time around.
Multiple reading also help you understand the different parts of the work the organization the tone the evidence the imagery
PRE-WRITING ACTIVITY 1.What is the difference between solitude and loneliness? 2.What kind of people would you describe as lonely? Solitary? 3.What is your impression of homeless? 4.Do you think some people choose to be homeless? 5.Can one find dignity in such a situation? After reading Ascher’s essay compare your response with hers and with one another.
USE A CHECKLIST FOR CRITICAL READING Why do you think the author chose this subject? Who is the intended audience? What impression does the author wish to make on readers? What is the author’s point? Can you find a direct statement of the thesis (main idea), or is the thesis implied? What details does the author provide to support the thesis? Is the supporting evidence reliable? Complete? Convincing? How does the author organize ideas? What effect does that arrangement have on the overall impact of the work? What do language and tone reveals about the author’s meaning, purpose, and attitude? How successful is the work as a whole and why?