EXAA Trader Group Meeting Angela Puchbauer-Schnabel
3 Agenda E-Control Disclosure AIB HUB
4 Legal obligations 2009/72/EC Internal Electricity Market Directive – Art. 3 (9) Basis for Disclosure: provides that „Member States shall ensure that electricity suppliers specify… to final customers… the contribution of each electricity source to the overall fuel mix and information on CO2 emissions and radioactive waste… „ 2009/28/EC Renewable Directive – Art. 15 Basis for GOs: introduces „GOs of electricity, heating and cooling produced from renewable energy sources and allows GOs to be used for the purposes of Art. 3(9) of Directive 2009/72/EC National: Austrian Electricity Act (ElWOG §§ 78 f.) Austrian Renewable Law (§ 10 f.) Austrian Disclosure by-law 2011
5 Legal background –EU-RL 2009/28/EG und EU-RL 2009/72/EG –ElWOG 2010 –ÖSG 2009/2012 –Disclosure by-law 2011 Disclosure documentation since 2001 in Austria Disclosure database operated by E-Control central instrument to bring transparency in the origin of electricity production Disclosure in Austria – general I
6 Since 2005 checking within E-Control Certificate based system for renewable, fossil, CHP (and nuclear) power plants § 78 Abs. 2 ElWOG 2010: Suppliers who deliver electricity to final customers in Austria have the obligation to display the disclosure statement on the annual bill and on information- and advertising material Basis: amounts delivered to final customers in 1 year (fiscal or calendar year) = supplier mix Results for Austria: annual disclosure report by E-Control Disclosure in Austria – general II
7 Disclosure in Austria – acceptance of foreign certificates § 6 SK-VO: –GOs from countries where Art. 15-criteria are fulfilled –GOs from countries where a disclosure system is in place which excludes double counting Certificates from fossil sources: issued by an accreditation office –Verified (positive) countries: Norway, Switzerland – work in progress (by market participants)
8 Disclosure 2010
9 Disclosure statement – best practice
10 In discussion Members Formal applicant AIB-Member countries
11 DE DK FI IS LU NO SE NL BE(F)BE(W)BE(B) CH AT IT PTES FR SI HUB Registry inter-linkage Source: AIB
12 Acceptance of RECS for disclosure/HUB connection new CountryRECS use for disclosureHUB connection new ITnoyes BE-FLnoyes BE-WalNoyes BE-BrNo- NOnoyes FLyes SEyes CYyes F-- ATnoyes NLno CHnoyes
13 Austria – AIB Trading volumes Total EECS GoO-RES-E and RECS Certificates in 2011 Yearin MWh IssueTransferCancelExportImport 1. Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
14 Users of the Austrian registry Suppliers/Traders: ~ Plant operators: ~ 14,000 Grid operators: ~ 140
15 Angela Puchbauer-Schnabel Contact