(hungarywilsons). Self Disclosure
Introduction What is self-disclosure? Self disclosure is a helpful strategy of sharing ones information to others. By sharing information our interpersonal relationship gets strengthened. There are two important process of self disclosure Breadth depth
Definition of Breadth and depth Breadth- the range of topics about which one person self-discloses to another. Depth- the intimacy of the topics about which one person self-discloses to another Floyd, Kory, 1st ed. Interpersonal Communication. New York: Frank Mortimer, 2009. Print.
“ Self-disclosure is sharing with someone information which helps him or her understand you. Self-disclosure is most revealing when the sharing is in the present and least revealing when the sharing is about the past”. (-- D. Johnson)
Three benefits Enhencement of relationship and trust Reciprocity or exchange Emotional release
Enhancement in relationship and trust increases our relationship with each other It creates trust among us It also Creates more understanding between individual relationships http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2007/02/09/1170524298616.html
For instant for any relationship to get strengthened, the two individuals must have a good relationship and trust between them. The more they disclose to one another, the stronger their relationship gets
Reciprocity or exchange Reciprocity is exchanging information Reciprocity in self-disclosure allows people to exchange information to each other The more they exchange information the more comfortable they get to one another
People tend to like people who exchange information and people who exchange information to them One way to get to know someone is to disclose personal information to them for example of reciprocity is exchanging names
Emotional release Gets some worries off your mind Makes you happy after releasing By releasing your emotions, it reduces your stress
Emotional release http://ttam1989. wordpress Gets some worries off your mind Makes you happy after releasing it By releasing your emotions, it reduces your stress
Conclusion Self disclosure plays very important rolls in our lives We all engage self disclosure in one way or another It has a lot of benefits in each persons live One of the benefits is it creates trust and strengthens every relationship It is proven that couples who give a little bit more self disclosure than the regular stay longer together
References Books College database Floyd, Kory, 1st ed. Interpersonal Communication. New York: Frank Mortimer, 2009. -- D. Johnson, Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-Actualization (Boston: Allyn and Bacon) 1997 ,p.33. College database Kahn, J. H. (2009). Emotional Self-Disclosure and Emotional Avoidance: Relations With Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety. 1Illinois State University.
Visual elements References http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2007/02/09/1170524298616.html http://ttam1989.wordpress.com/category/emotional-stuffs/ http://hungarywilsons.blogspot.com/2008/02/what-about-bob.html