Georgia Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission 29 TH BIENNIAL INSTITUTE FOR GEORGIA LEGISLATORS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
Current Case Count Active Cases under Investigation by the Commission: ◦183 cases as of September 30, 2014 ◦193 cases as of December 01, 2014 ◦An increase of 9.5% in 60 days (citizen initiated complaints only). Cases Referred to the Attorney-General’s Office for Prosecution: ◦30 cases as of September 30, 2014 ◦28 cases as of December 01, 2014 Grand Total of All Active Cases: ◦221 cases as of December 01, 2014
Case Management Statistics CASE LOAD INTAKE FROM JULY 1, 2014 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2014: Complaints rejected by the Commission after an initial investigation by Attorneys: 9 Complaints accepted by the Commission for further investigation / prosecution: 10 CASE LOAD INTAKE AS FROM OCTOBER 1, 2014 TO DECEMBER 01, 2014: Complaints rejected by the Commission after an initial investigation by Attorneys: 8 Complaints accepted by the Commission for further investigation / prosecution: 8 Total Complaints filed with the Commission from July 01, 2014 to Present: 35 cases
Case Management Statistics Cont’d CASES RESOLVED BY COMMISSION FROM JULY 1, 2014 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 Cases closed by Consent Order: 8 Cases closed by Administrative Dismissal: 5 Cases presented for Probable Cause: 1 CASES RESOLVED BY COMMISSION FROM OCTOBER 1, 2014 TO DECEMBER 01, 2014 Cases closed by Consent Order: 22 Cases closed by Administrative Dismissal: 11 Cases presented for Probable Cause: 7 Total Cases Resolved by the Commission from July 01, 2014 to Present: 49.
Future Case Management Officials who have self-reported violations of the Campaign Finance Act: 390 since October 10, 2014 Number of audits conducted since October 10, 2014: 105. Number of officials who have been properly noticed of outstanding late fees and penalties: 112 (29%). Number of inquires closed after payment of fees: 46 (12%). As of December 01, 2014, Commission staff have 101 cases under active investigation or 55 percent of open cases. The Commission’s current case load represents a 9.5 percent increase in the number of cases under active management from September 30, Additionally, the Commission is in the process of conducting 17 random audits of officials and candidates to ensure compliance with the Campaign Finance Act (35% Complete).
Case Management Summary Total Cases under Active Management: January 1, 2014 to July 1, 2014: 0 cases under active management / investigation. July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014: 96 cases or 52% under active management / investigation. September 30, 2014 to December 1, 2014: 101 cases or 55% under active management / investigation.
Random Audits Commencing January 1, 2015, the Commission will conduct random audits of elected officials and candidates for public office. The random audits will initially focus on officials and candidates with outstanding late fees, who have failed to self-report. Elected officials and candidates will be selected at random by a variable algorithm with an initial goal of screening five percent of all filings.
FY2015 Fee Collection Late Fees (CCDR and PFDS): Lobbyist Registration Fees: Civil Penalties: $6, (All Remitted to Treasury). Miscellaneous Retained Revenue:$ Total CollectedRemitted to TreasuryRetained July 1 – Sept. 30$10,070.00$8,170.00$1, Oct. 1 – Dec. 30$33,030.00$2, $6, Total CollectedRemitted to TreasuryRetained July 1 – Sept. 30$4,700.00$ $ Oct. – Dec. 30$1,780.00$ $450.00
How is a Case Managed by the Commission’s Attorneys? 1.The Commission receives a Complaint (or Commission initiated audit) which identifies a candidate/official as having potentially violated the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act. 2.The Commission’s attorneys are assigned the case and a preliminary investigation is commenced. 3.During the course of the preliminary investigation, the Commission’s attorneys will identify: ◦Alleged violations of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act; ◦Un-alleged violations of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act; and, ◦Technical Defects (Accounting Errors) 4.Once new violations and/or technical defects are identified, the Commission’s attorneys provide the Respondent with statutorily required notice of the new violations / technical defects. 5.Upon expiration of the statutorily imposed period to respond to new violations (14 days) or to correct technical defects (60 days), the Commission’s attorneys will attempt to resolve a case by a mutually agreed upon Consent Order. 6.If the Commission is unable to come to an agreement (after 30 to 60 days) with the Respondent, cases are referred to a Preliminary Hearing before the full Commission.
Common Issues for State-Level Filers Declaration of Intention to Accept Contributions ◦Accepting contributions before filing a DOI Exceeding Maximum Contribution Limits ◦$2,500 Primary Election/ $1,300 Primary Run-Off ◦$2,500 General Election/ $1,300 General Run-Off Failing to Choose Option of Separate Accounting (COOSA) ◦Must file an Option to Choose Separate Accounting ◦Must notate the election for which the contribution is accepted Improper Expenditures ◦Donations: Is the non-profit really a non- profit? Anonymous Contributions Election Year Reporting Schedule ◦Reporting period ends October 25 th not October 30 th ◦December 31 st CCDR still required in Election Year
Common Issues for State-Level Filers Failing to properly fill out a Personal Financial Disclosure Statement (PFDS) when there are no changes from the preceding PFDS. Failing to include fiduciary positions No grace period for PFDS Non-Election Year: Must be filed between January 1 st and July 1 st Election Year: Must be filed within 15 days of qualifying
Late Fees ◦Untimely filing of Campaign Contribution Disclosure Report (CCDR). ◦Untimely filing of Personal Financial Disclosure Statement (PFDS). ◦Untimely filing of Lobbyist Disclosure Reports. Initial Late FeeAfter 15 DaysAfter 45 Days CCDR$125.00$375.00$1, Initial Late FeeAfter 15 DaysAfter 45 Days PFDS$125.00$375.00$1, Reports due when General Assembly is NOT in session Initial Late Fee: $ th Day After Due: Additional $1, th Day After Due: $10,000 Reports due when General Assembly is in session Initial Late Fee: $275 7 th Day After Due: Additional $1, st Day After Due: $10,000
Hardship Waivers Commission has authority to waive or suspend late fees when: 1.The imposition of such fee would pose an undue hardship, or 2.If there are no items to be included in the report. Undue Hardship: 1.Filer’s current financial circumstances make paying a late fee an undue hardship. 2.Filer suffered an undue hardship at the time of the filing. Personal circumstances are the cause of or reason for the late fee. Criteria will be proposed at December 10 th Commission Meeting to ensure uniformity in granting waivers
Hardship Waiver Stats 213 Hardship Waivers Submitted in Denied (However, many lobbyist late fees were reduced to initial late fee.) 16 Granted 6 Partially Granted and Denied 2 Unnecessary 81 Currently Pending
Contact Phone: Robert Lane: Bethany Whetzel: