Manuscript submissions in support of the NIH Public Access Policy Rebecca Wilson and Bart Trawick National Center for Biotechnology Information MLA
What is the NIH Public Access Policy? Effective May 2, 2005 Submit final, peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted for publication Supported, in whole or in part, with direct costs from NIH Not covered: book chapters, editorials, reviews, or conference proceedings
Benefits of Public Access Archive Advance Science Access
Who can submit?
Entry to the system NIH Login eRA Login My NCBI Login (not authenticated)
Corresponding PIs PI = Principal Investigator Contributor of NIH funding to the research One PI designated as corresponding PI Corresponding PI is responsible for - 1) approving the submitted materials - 2) approving the final, PMC version
What to submit Journal name Manuscript title NIH funding source(s) Manuscript files (including supplemental materials)
Designate Journal System has list of all PubMed Journals Journals not indexed by NLM can be added No submission required for manuscripts accepted for publication by PMC- participating journals
NIH funding Only include NIH support Intramural projects (Z01-XXX...) Contact the NIHMS Help Desk to: - Add NIH contracts - Designate support as NIH official duty - Add a support mechanism (grant, project, etc) not found in the system
Upload files Submit what was accepted by the journal Many formats are permissible Multiple files are fine Include supplemental files No password-protected files
Third party submitters are now done
Approve submission Log in via authenticated route Review PDF Receipt Choose embargo Submission statement
Corresponding PIs are now done with step 1
What happens next? Files are converted to XML by external contractors NIHMS staff carefully reviews converted materials Submission is associated with a PubMed citation
Step 2: approve the PMC version Corresponding PI is notified via Corrections may be requested Necessary for inclusion to PMC Embargo period begins at the date of final print publication
Help resources Submission tutorials available at NIHMS FAQs on Public Access Policy and NIHMS NIHMS Help Desk