Writing and Research for Publication Barbara E. Moely Professor Emerita of Psychology Tulane University Robert J. Hironimus-Wendt Associate Professor of Sociology Xavier University of Louisiana
Group Interaction 1: Why do Research? (Ten Minutes) Why would you personally like to do research regarding service learning? What questions do you have regarding service learning research?
Reasons for Doing Research Evaluation report to funding agency or university administrators (evaluative research) Evaluation of program functioning, with the aim of making improvements (formative research).
Reasons for Doing Research Research to answer basic questions about: reactions of students, faculty, community to a service- learning experience or program; important program or course characteristics; individual differences in service learners; changes over time in students, faculty, or community attitudes or behaviors.
Group Interaction 2: Potential Research Topics Ten minutes In groups of 4 or 5, share with each other possible research interests that you have.
The Research Process Formulating your question: What do you want to know? Reviewing the existing research literature: What do we already know? Identifying your sample: Who will you ask?
The Research Process Developing measures: How can you measure what you want to learn from the individuals in your sample? Use of established test instruments or methods Development of new measures
The Publication Process 1.Conceive Study 2.Conduct Study 3.Write Paper 4.Present Paper at Meeting 5.Revise Paper 6.Submit Manuscript to Journal
The Publication Process National Venues for Presenting Research: National Service-Learning Conference International Conference on Advances in Service-Learning Research American Education Research Association National Society of Experiential Education American Association of Higher Education
The Publication Process National Venues for Publishing Research: Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) Campus Compact Reader The Generator: Journal of Service-Learning and Service Leadership Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) National Society for Experiential Education Quarterly
Service-Learning Websites
CART (Compendium of Assessment and Research Tools) Bob Bringle’s book, The Measure of Service Learning