THE REVIEW PROCESS –HOW TO EFFECTIVELY REVISE A PAPER David Smallbone Professor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, SBRC, Kingston University Associate Editor, Journal of Small Business Management
THE REVIEW PROCESS Submitted papers are assigned by Editor-in Chief to an Associate Editor (AE), who reads paper to decide between desk rejection and assignment to a reviewer A minimum of 2 reviewers are selected on the basis of their experience & specialist expertise Reviewers recommend accept/minor revision/major revision/rejection & provide comments for the author and for the editor Associate Editor makes decision which is communicated to author(s) with copies of reviewers reports
JSBM REVIEW CRITERIA Does the manuscript contain new and significant information to justify publication? Does the Abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the article? Is the problem under investigation significant and concisely stated? Are the theoretical underpinnings satisfactorily explained? Is the methodology adequately explained and sound? Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results? Is adequate reference made to other work in the field? Is the language acceptable? Please rate the priority for publishing this article (1 is the highest priority, 10 is the lowest priority) Length of paper, no. of figures and tables (if appropriate)
YOUR RESPONSE Recognise that very few papers are accepted without amendment If minor or major revision, check to see if there is a deadline Respond to each the specific points raised by reviewers/AE When paper is resubmitted include a list of your responses to each point raised by reviewers or an explanation as to why you have not accepted the comment Recognise that even if ultimately rejected, your paper is likely to have been improved as a result of the review process Do not submit a rejected manuscript to another journal without modification
YOUR RESPONSE Take care to check references – for accuracy, detail and inclusion in end list Seek guidance from others in your field who are more experienced in publishing journal articles.