Finalize VOCAB “Terms of Reference” Define use cases for the keyword database and its development Develop procedures for capturing and managing keyword taxonomies DONE: Identify suitable existing database structures or software for managing the controlled vocabulary and adopt or modify them to meet the use cases
Saturday March AMBreakfast at the SEV 8-8:30 AMWelcome, Review of Agenda, progress report 8:30- 9 AM Setup Use Case Working Groups 9-11 AMUse Case Working Groups 11-NoonReport back from working groups, VTC with other members for input Noon – 1:30 PMLunch 1:30-2:30 PM Review of Controlled Vocabulary Terms of Reference – List Management 2:30-3:30 PM Work on using TemaTres software, including web services – work on taxonomies 3:30-5:00 PMWork on some draft taxonomies 6 PMDepart for Dinner in Sicorro
Sunday March AMBreakfast 8-9 AMPlanning for workshop at SC with domain researchers 9-11 AMWork on Use Cases with focus on implementation steps 11-NoonReport on use cases, VTC with other members for input Noon- 1:30 PMLunch 1:30-3 PMWrite-up Use case scenarios, work on draft taxonomys 3-3:30 PMWrapup 4 PMDepart for ABQ hotels and airport
Tematres web-based thesaurus tool installed Taxonomys implemented Habitats/Ecosystems Substances Processes Organisms Terms classified (things, materials, activities/processes, properties, etc.) A few terms recommended for removal
416 terms are part of the polytaxonomy Includes some new higher-level terms 264 terms remain to be linked Synonyms are listed, but not yet added A production server has been established for the controlled vocabulary Ability to create instances for individual sites Eda has worked a lot on import/export issues
Straw Man List Vocabulary use for searching and browsing – Eda, Don, Corrina Putting the vocabulary into LTER documents – Kristin, Margaret, John List Management – decision processes Focus first on WHO DOES WHAT (not how) May be a diagram/flow chart showing actors, actions and results Once the first step is accomplished then consider: How it might be accomplished technically What resources would be required Who should be responsible for the implementation
JP’s use case Draft EML document Use Duane’s HIVE tool to suggest probable words check off ones you want, returns EML snippet to screen, for cut and paste into doc. Or Revised EML document with keywords added Or XML document with keywords (in keywordset node, including thesaurus) to be used with web service client (allowing additions to relation databases etc.)
Populate Drupal web site with polytaxonomy Within Drupal Metadata Editor - Browse – drop down list of levels, or search to find terms Select term you want and it is automatically added to backend database that is used by the module that creates EML
Browse or search keywords and check off desired terms As things are checked off, generates internal list that is archived at a particular URL Web service provides XML snippet that can go into EML
E.g., publications, projects etc. May not have EML representations Browse or search to locate potential terms Return Simple list for inclusion (cut and paste) into publications etc. EML snippet as part of an XML document for use with a web service client to interface with desired systems Note: this could also use HIVE search tool instead of raw browse
Need a best practices guide that addresses use of the controlled vocabulary Goal – assure that LTER data is discoverable Examples: Use the most specific terms you can Specify how many or what categories of terms should be included where applicable - examples Specifing a desirable number of terms E.g., At least one term from at least X of the LTER taxonomys Should have at least one core area
Run document through congruency checker It says how many keywords and taxonomys are represented in an EML document Allows checking for conformance with best practices
Principles want to hit “sweet spot” for number of keywords Enough to make reasonable search and browsing possible Not so specific that only data from a particular site or dataset would be returned from a search Could be words used widely at a single site Want to avoid words that are too esoteric The list should be modified periodically to capture additional words as they become widely used in the network Each site should be able to propose new preferred terms, in suitable forms that are widely used in datasets from the site. A proposal should include justification, including information on related terms used at other LTER sites and where the term might be placed into the taxonomies Sites can propose also non-preferred terms linked to existing preferred terms Sites should be able to maintain independent, site-specific controlled vocabularies
The proposed terms should be suitable for inclusion (e.g., not locations or specific taxonomic identifiers) Proposed terms should not be redundant with existing term(s) already in the vocabulary Terms and their proposed places in taxonomys should conform in form with NISO Z and successor documents (e.g., sections 6.5.1, 8.3)
The proposed terms should be suitable for inclusion (e.g., not locations or specific taxonomic identifiers) The proposed terms must be sufficiently close synonyms to the preferred term to which they will be linked
Terms will never be altered, but they can be demoted to non-preferred status Terms can only be removed if they are not currently in use by datasets Removals or alterations of terms are expected to be rare
These have large subjective elements. Other resources should be frequently consulted when making changes Sites or individuals can propose and justify changes that will be evaluated relative to NISO Z39.19
VOCAB committee may do research to identify terms that should be added based on use in site-specific vocabularies, use in datasets and other sources of information. VOCAB committee receives and evaluates proposed changes Based on criteria make changes to development version of the controlled vocabulary database The Controlled Vocabulary may make immediate changes in the current official version to correct gross errors New versions will be issued by VOCAB from time-to-time, and a request for endorsement will be forwarded to IMEXEC
Objective Engage SC members – sell on idea – develop some advocates Process followed: Objectives - Rules for taxonomys Get guidance on specific issues The Controlled vocabulary Need for related terms? Are there things missing? – core areas? Are there things that should be removed? Are there things that are out of place? Specifc areas of concern Use Cases Feedback on proposed uses Priorities for getting implemented Tasks before workshop Add definitions for all words to the taxonomy Prioritize ones that are difficult Get way to display entire vocab. Improve diagram for content Send SC members link to Tematres – have them do test searches
Introduction – 1 hour Around the room introductions why we need controlled vocabulary steps taken so far Background – procedures for creating controlled vocabularies Meeting objectives How to use Controlled Vocabulary – 1 hour Question for SC members What are your experiences with finding LTER data What would most help you find data in the future? Discussion of data discovery use cases
Tour of Controlled Vocabulary – 1 hour General Introduction Breakout groups (pair SC member with IM) to look at areas of specific interest Feedback to entire group on things in the controlled vocabulary that need improvement – 1 hour Discussion of specific issues Core areas as top level hierarchy now integrated elsewhere Management of the vocabulary – role of researchers Discussion of next steps How do we engage larger LTER community? How much, and what sort of engagement is needed