(Fortune, 2002, p. 16).
Competition Barriers to Entry Regulation
Human Health = Variable of Health (Medical Care + Medications)
Costs associated with Research and Discovery Manufacturing Marketing
Degrees of Pricing 1.Charging consumers the maximum price Example: Providing a new drug that individuals desire like an AIDS medication at an unreasonable rate. 2. Charging different price depending on the quantity consumed Example: Wal-Mart purchasing a large quantity of drug X and passing on the savings to consumers compared to the local pharmacy purchasing small quantities and not receiving a savings. 3. Charging different prices for different groups of people Example: Markets, or groups of buyers with a more inelastic demand will pay higher prices.
Copayments Generic Substitutes Drug Formularies
Ask doctors for 90 day supply instead of 30 days If low income- see if hospitals and pharmacies will waive co- pays Charity care Pharmacy assistance programs Extra help Program
Provide Pharmacies incentives for dispensing generic drugs Have insurances mail coupons to consumers to waive their co-payment if they opt for generic instead of brand name Have physicians distribute samples of generic drug samples Vouchers for free prescriptions to try generic products
Formulary Committees developing a list of approved drugs for: Clinical Effectiveness Safety Cost
Medicine Equity and Drug Safety Act Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act Reimportation Splitting pills Generic substitutes
Enforce already existing legislation Enact new legislation Price Regulation
Structure and Regulation Drug Prices Monopoly Price Discrimination Cost Containment Drug Formularies Solutions and Implementation
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Ma, J. (n.d.). Lowering Prescription Drug Prices in the United States: Are Reimportation and Internet Pharmacies the Answer? Retrieved from bcf.usc.edu/~idjlaw/PDF/15-2/15- 2%20Ma.pdfhttp://www- bcf.usc.edu/~idjlaw/PDF/15-2/15- 2%20Ma.pdf Watson, T. (August 8, 2003). Strategies for Maximizing Generic Opportunities in Payer Populations. Retrieved from KV/is_9_4/ai_