CONFIDENTIAL Changing Environment Changing Environment “Should” (What Might Be) Mid-term Plan Product Roadmap Mid-term Plan Product Roadmap Long-term Plan Last Year’s DASH Management Results Last Year’s DASH Management Results DASH Process DASH Process Reflection Focus on Vital Few Focus on Vital Few DASH MITs (Key Drivers) (Fact) (Vision) Past Future (Given) (What Is) Business Planning Process
CONFIDENTIAL Financial Awarded $2M NIST Grant Set-up accounts and banking – first funds withdrawn Negotiating with a potential investor in Italy Financial system validated Organization 1 PT employee & 2 consultants hired Held a Kick-Off meeting Successful meeting with NIST LLC formed – all assets transferred Added CTRC (Niko Papanikolau) to our advisory board R&D Solid Works installed – first pass model completed First pass testing fixture designed Initial material test parameters defined Partners Met with Siemens and invited to visit factory to move ahead In discussion with Vermont Composites for table top design/manufacturing Radionics interested in supplying the mMLC – will provide a dummy unit when needed Accomplishments Q4-2007
CONFIDENTIAL Financial Additional investment not secured Missed out on a grant opportunity with Montefiore (SGK) Organization R&D Monte Carlo engine not defined Initial pass Monte Carlo not completed Partners Varian not interested in collaboration Short-Falls Q4-2007
CONFIDENTIAL Vital Few Q4-07 ITEM (ATP RELATED) RESPONSIBLE% COMPLETED Generate first system specifications Overall configuration Functional specification Identify applicable standards and regulations AS/JK Set-up Monte Carlo and obtain first results Identify MC model to use Model basic shielding properties KH/AS Design first shielding experiment Mechanical design and materials identified Equipment specified and test plan written MD/JK 90 Generate first pass mechanical design Design first full-scale model PS/AS/JK 90
CONFIDENTIAL PS MITs Q4,07 TASKSDue DateProgress Model a linac in SW Measure linac Model in SW Integrate with machine 12/5 12/15 12/30 Done Update machine model in SW Design MLC Design beam-stop Add human to model (male added) 12/15 12/20 Done Human factor First pass ideal dimension for table top design 12/3050%
CONFIDENTIAL Vital Few Q1-08 ITEMRESPONSIBLECOMPL. DATE% COMPLETED Generate first system specifications Overall configuration Functional specification Identify applicable standards AS JK AS/JK 3/1 1/ MC Results Select and install another MC engine (GEANT, MCNP?) Initial test shielding fixture Determine machine scatter for geometry AS KH 1/31 3/ Build first physical model of the MammoKnife Fine-tune SolidWorks model Order building materials Build model PS AS AS/PS 1/19 1/15 2/ Complete design of shielding experiment Run Monte Carlo to validate design Order equipment and components to build the testing fixture Complete build of testing fixture & equipment preparation KH AS/PS AS/MD 2/29 3/1 3/30 ClearView Project First design to Vermont for estimate Check EU standards for testing PS JK 2/29 2/15 10 Move ahead with Patent issues Visit patent office Submit new claims AS 1/24 2/15 Seek funding Short list 5 VC firms Submit business plan Present to at least 2 VCs JK 2/15 2/28 3/15
CONFIDENTIAL Vital Few Q1-08 ITEMRESPONSIBLECOMPL. DATE% COMPLETED Generate first system specifications Complete overall configuration Complete functional specification AS/JK JK 3/1 MC Results Select and install another MC engine (GEANT, MCNP?) Initial test shielding fixture Determine machine scatter for geometry AS JK/KH 1/31 3/30 Build first physical model of the MammoKnife Fine-tune SolidWorks model Order building materials Build model PS AS AS/PS 1/19 1/15 2/1 Complete design of shielding experiment Run Monte Carlo to validate design Order equipment and components to build the testing fixture Complete build of testing fixture & equipment preparation KH AS/PS AS/MD 2/29 3/1 3/30