By: Kennisha Walker Derhon Towler & Daniel Trasport
Joseph Raymond McCarthy Born, November 14 th 1908 to devoted roman catholic parents. (Bridget Tierney, Tim McCarthy) He was the fifth of nine children. Dropped out of junior high at the tender age of 14, to help on the family farm. He went back to high school at the age of 20 and graduated after only one year.
Early Life and Careers He worked his way through Marquette University from Studying engineering and law. He then earned his law degree and worked in a law firm in Shawano Wisconsin. He launched an unsuccessful campaign to become district attorney as a democrat in In 1939 he became district judge.
Military Service In 1942 the United States entered the WWII and McCarthy joined the marine corps despite the fact that his judicial office exempt him from compulsory service.
Military Service Continued… It is documented that McCarthy lied about his war record. Despite his automatic commission he claimed to have been a "buck private” in the war, He flew 12 combat missions as a gunner- observer, earning the nickname of "Tail- Gunner Joe"
United States Senate He served as a republican U.S senate until his death. He was anti-tax and he was against price, rent and credit control. Fought hard against the continuation of war time sugar control.
The Wheeling Speech In 1950 February 9, McCarthy made his “Wheeling Speech”. To the republican women’s club of wheeling. At the speech he had a list of over 50 names that was said to be known as communist working for the state department. Accused workers were black listed and their careers were destroyed.
Communism Communism at this time was a concern for the U.S known as the second red scare. McCarthyism was anti-communism pursuits. McCarthy exploited the nations fear that the communist were infiltrating the government in attempt to over throw America. He was the most responsible for reinforcing McCarthyism.
Accusations McCarthy accused president Truman of treason. He was accused by the army of receiving special favors. The accusations led to the fall of McCarthy's popularity. May 2, 1957 Joseph McCarthy died while he was still serving in office.