R. Fantechi
TDAQ commissioning Status report on Infrastructure at the experiment PC farm Run control Network …
Infrastructure LTU/TTC Hw/Sw work on going this week Splitting of the LTU/TTC crate 1 for 11 LTUs, CPU and 3 TTCit 1 for 11 TTCex See Marian’s talk Vlado will complete the work with the upgrade of the OS on the VME CPU Single mode fibers available for all the detectors Some of them already prepared Almost all the splitters installed
Infrastructure SPS timing The old system is being replaced Generation of timing from SPS reference and of a fake timing through a TALK board installed on a VME frame Driven by the same CPU as the LKr HV monitor and LKr calibration Now running in the fake mode, coupled to the old system Next step, get rid of the old system Maintain a NIM crate for fanouts and visual monitor of interval times As soon as SPS signals are available, test the system with real signals Under preparation TALK logic to handle the proposed “double spill” period
Infrastructure Choke/error fanouts (CHEF) Delivery of all the needed boards foreseen by middle June VME version (LKr, GTK, Straws) and standalone (others) available All the cabling in ECN3 ready Except 3 cables for the Straws Crates All the missing crates should arrive at the end of June ~one week acceptance tests at the pool Also 3 power supplies sent for filter upgrade
Infrastructure - Detectors LAV Preparation and connection to the network of the HV PS TTC fiber distribution done New 5 meter SM fiber for the clock to replace the existing shorter ones Straws Installation of splitters, switches, fiber distribution to be done end of this week RICH Fiber + Eth cabling to the new rack on Saleve side to be done Splitter in place, connections to be done Switch to be installed
Infrastructure - Detectors LKR Trigger Inspection for the installation of 440 cables from the CREAM foreseen on Thursday 5th Next week installation of the 3 rd heat exchanger Switches to be installed LKr Installation continues 338 out of 440 CREAMs are at CERN Plan to have the cabling (including signal cables for the calorimeter) by the first week of July All the 28 switches will be operational end of next week
Network All the switches received All the LAV and CHANTI switches are operational Schedule: Complete LKr Configure the two switches for the Pc farm + the router 10 Gb iports for the farm Configure RICH, Straw, LKr trigger 10 Gb connection for the CDR Layout of address segments done for all of them Insulation of the network Still to be done… Try to understand when it can be safely done Other issues Cleaning the wiring mess in the EB: consider moving the switch in the opposite rack row I have been requested to cleanup the definitions of the old NA48 network I would like to keep it as a backup for emergency issues IT want to eliminate all the coaxial cable network segments (!!)
Run control More from Nicolas talk Further tests foreseen next week TDSPY interface First prototype of LKr calibration driver with interface to the run control A second will appear shortly for the initialization of the CREAMs Still to be defined A common, NFS mounted directory to store configuration files, accessible without problems also from the Technical Network
PC Farm HPxx 48x 1Gb + 4x 10Gb 52(56)x 10Gb ports to detector area HP8212 with 88x 10Gb and 24x 1Gb 30x 10Gb ports to online farm 34x 1Gb ports to merger HP x 1Gb or 48x 1Gb DCS IPMI... Cern CDR + GPN Cern TN 30 farm computers 3 merger computers? 1Gb link 10Gb link
PC Farm 30 farm PCs + 2 mergers bought by Mainz Order out around May 20 th Expected to be at CERN in 2-3 weeks since then Delivery time fit well with the ongoing work on the cooling pipes in the farm room Farm Pc’s could host one GPU in the future Installation issues Layout prepared Cables procured OS automated installation through CERN AIMS To be tested next week on a spare PC
PC Farm Software New version of the Pc farm software available since February Better debugging New implementation of the merger software Faster, flexible, implemented through ZMQ A prototype mechanism to handle non-TEL62 EOB data prepared To be discussed: format of inputs, format of output on tape First fruitful discussion on the software needed to read the Straws in “triggerless” mode Initial operation mode for low/medium intensities
Misc TEL 62 boot server Actually LKRPN0, running SLC4 Willing to go to SLC5, LHCB has setup the environment Test installation next week on one of the former SLM PCs First, use it as a guinea pig for the AIMS installation Second, install the SLC5 LHCB environment Ask IT to include it in the DHCP search list Proposal: Call it TEL62SERVER and leave it in the PC farm room Do you need it in the EB?
To be prepared/restarted Full scale test as soon as many detectors and Pc farm ready HLT Event display/monitor Logistic of the CDR Some documentation Backup of sensible data on service PCs