Group 5 Presentation ITM 6273 Spring 2010 Asim Faruqui Richard Cann-Figel Ray Edejer Imelda Njotowijoyo
Dresdner Kleinwort Wassertein (DrKW) International Investment Bank based in Europe Headquarters in Frankfurt and London Offices spread out globally in New York, Paris, Tokyo Provides a range of Capital Markets and Advisory Services – Mergers and Acquisition Assistance – Listing Companies on Market – Structured Finance for funding of Large Scale Projects – Treasury and Capital Markets Transactions – Risk Management Solutions
Dresdner Kleinwort Wassertein (DrKW) Employs approximately 6000 people from a large geographical distribution Use collaborative tools, such as blogs, chat, audio video conferencing, and wikis Microsoft Sharepoint provided secrecy rather than transparency First installed wiki in 1997 but was used by the IT DrKW wanted to improve communications between the different locations and business groups
REAL-TIME COLLABORATION TOOLS There are many real-time collaboration tools that help organizations deal with time and space issues on projects. These include: Electronic Teleconferencing, Video and Web Interactive Whiteboards Screen Sharing Instant Video
NEW COLLABORATION TOOLS · VOIP · Collaborative Work flow · Web 2.0 · Wikis · Collaboration Hubs · Collaborative Networks · Corporate (Enterprise) Portals
CIO BACKS WIKI DrKW GDSS Software Until Wiki: -- Documentum, Media Surface, MS FrontPage, -- Mind Align, & MS SharePoint. Introduction of Socialtext's wiki. MS SharePoint vs. Socialtext's wiki.
What capabilities of a wiki are not available in ? Collaboration process to view, update, publish, and store information Ability to use different modes of communication on a single platform Store best practice, internal jargon, FAQ, and work paper A medium to provide instant feedback from the rest of the users
Describe the applications of wikis in operations and finance Improve communication and collaboration A medium to collect resources Organize meeting agenda and materials Provide status update for the rest of the users Store important information for informal training tool Build rapport among users External communication with clients and suppliers
How does DrKW’s wiki increase employee productivity? Open forum for discussion and collaboration WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor function Store important information Publish status update to plan for the next step
How does DrKW’s wiki help with foreign languages and training? Store important information that can be viewed by all of the users Open forum for discussion and collaboration
Summary/Conclusion The need of utilizing a collaboration tool Wiki provides a single platform DrKW utilizes Wiki as its collaboration tool Benefits of utilizing Wiki
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