Mid-term papers Correlate to numbers on papers
1. Make sure to tell us whether film, plot, or character driven.
2. Make sure the cues are there with timing, etc. e.g. #1. Robin Hood Fights Little John (1:23 - 1:55) Music assigned to Little John proceeds with variations, fading out as Robin and Little John laugh. Major, 3/4, fast, strings and woodwinds, light, cute, soft, plucky. A Mouse when RH lands.
3. Check to see if some cues for no music
4. Make sure to have some entries on major/minor Dynamics Orchestration Pitch (scales, leaps) Rhythm (meter) Tempo
5. Make sure to correlate music and action
6. Make sure to discuss fades, dissolves, wipes, etc. and relation to music
7. Make sure to include stingers, mice, etc.
Name of composer for the film?
Name of film?
Name of director of the film
Your name (always helpful).
Difference between mouse and stinger mouse makes a sound like it looks stinger attempts to emphasize something and does not sound like it looks
Church music 4/4 major brass loud Why? Why here? Why now?
Spelling Diegetic (not diagetic) Cymbals (not symbols) Meter (not tempo, time, or 3/3 or METERS)