WHO AM I? In Pakistan at age 11, I wrote a blog about life under Taliban rule. “They [Taliban] will not stop me. I will get my education if it is in home, school, or any place.” The Taliban tried to assassinate me on Oct. 9, 2012 with a gunshot to the head and neck while returning home from school– I was 15
I was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize at age 16 for impacting women’s rights globally
unbreakable-one-girl-changing-the-worldhttp://abcnews.go.com/watch/2020/SH559026/VDKA0_h4z0gfdp/ unbreakable-one-girl-changing-the-world.
Personal Narrative Quiz – Take Home…due Monday Watch the video – questions to follow. This Ppt will be online for you to access over the weekend as well as having a paper copy of the question.
PN Quiz Part A: Part B: 15 Points -- Written Response to Video
15pnt PN Written Response: Papers will be scored for MUGS, Clarity, Completeness Minimum req. for attempt: 8-10= C = B 15+=A