1. Each team will take turns. 2. A question will appear on the screen for one team to answer. do If you do know the answer, you should stand up. don’t If you don’t know the answer, you might want to stand up. 3. Someone standing up will be chosen to answer- YOU CANNOT TELL PEOPLE IN YOUR GROUP THE ANSWER! You know it, or you don’t. do If you do know, you respond within 5 seconds do not If you do not know the answer say, “BLUFF!” 4. If the question is answered correctly, your team gets a point for every person standing. No standing at the last minute! 5. If the question is answered incorrectly, the other team can steal the answer.
Do not share answers aloud. If you think you might know it, stand up and give it a try! Encourage your group members to take chances More people standing = more points! Do not criticize people for standing Every negative comment is one point off of your score!
What is your teacher’s FULL last name? Ms. Morelli!
What is our awesome teacher assistant’s name? Miss Wessel
How many highlighters MUST you have?” 3! ALL DIFFERENT COLORS
What are two materials that you must have in class every day? (Highlighters don’t count.) Something to write with, journal, binder, spiral, and a positive attitude
What is one type of assessment that we will do? Test, quiz, group quiz, group game, on the board quiz, partner quizzes
What percent does homework count for? 5% pass or fail
What does WOW stand for? Word of the Week
How should you treat other students and the teachers in this class? With Respect
What 3 items are not allowed in class? Food, drink, and gum
What are the 3 electronic items that you may not be wearing when you come in class? Headphones, iPods, cellular phones, CD players
What should you be wearing when you enter class? Your ID!
What should you not be wearing on your head when you come into class? A hat or a hood!
Can you turn in your homework late for credit? Yes! -2 points a day for homework.
Can you still turn in papers and projects late for some points off? Yes, typically – a letter grade each day
How many days late can your homework be? Up to 4 days, but it’s best to turn in before a test!
What percent are assessments worth? 30%
What percent are projects worth 25%
What percent is participation worth? 10%
What percent is effort worth? 5%.
What is the policy on tardies? Your butt/bootie needs to be in the seat.
What is the policy on the end of the class period? Sit in a seat; no lining up at the door!
Where should you keep your finished journals? On the shelf (or in your binder on the shelf)
What is one thing that you can do to get a great grade in this class? Answers vary
What is ANOTHER thing that you can do to get a great grade in this class? Answers vary
When the teacher asks a question, what must you do if you know the answer? Raise your hand!
If Ms. Morelli or Ms. O’Donnell asks you not to do something, what should you do? a. Give them attitude b. Chew your pencil c. Stop doing it d. Put your head down
Who can name each student in the class?
Journal What are you best at in school?
What is the Word of the Week this week? Expectations
What does expectations mean? Things that are expected of you. Or Things that you should do.