Bellringer Get ready for your map quiz Turn in project Start reading the introduction to fall of Rome packet when you are done with your map quiz
Agenda Map Quiz DBQ lecture Review DBQ essay rubric and look at examples Working on Fall of Rome DBQ
Homework Completing a DBQ on the Fall of Rome
What is a DBQ? It is a Document Based Questions.
DBQ Requirements 1.Acceptable thesis – Fully address question – Provide categories of analysis (refer to how responses can be grouped)
DBQ Requirement 2. Address all documents, demonstrating understanding – Refer to what each document says and means
DBQ Requirements 3.Support thesis with evidence from documents – Not just mention the document, but USE the document to prove a point – Why a document is significant or how it supports the thesis
DBQ Requirement 4.Analyze point of view in at least 2 documents – Why does the author have a certian perspective or belief
DBQ Requirements 5.Group documents in 2 or 3 ways – Create categories of similar documents (can be how you organize your evidence) in multiple ways. Can use documents more than once
DBQ Requirement 6. Identify an additional source and explain why that source would be useful
Looking at Examples Two Booklets – First: Sources Read though each source with your partner – Second: Reviewing papers