10 things about Lithuania
4 capitals of Lithuania: Kernav ė Traces of ancient civilization dating to 11,000 years ago have been discovered in the unique Kernav ė arche- ological reserve which is inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. It is be- lieved to have been the first Lithuanian capital in XIV century.
4 capitals of Lithuania: Trakai Trakai, the second capital of Lithuania is proud of its rich history. The town is famous for its castle which was built in XV century by Vytautas the Great Duke. An ethnic group of Karaites still live there.
4 capitals of Lithuania:Kaunas Kaunas, the second largest town of Lithuania, was the third temporary capital in the year Kaunas is located at the confluence of two largest Lithuanian rivers – the Nemunas and the Neris.
4 capitals of Lithuania: Vilnius Vilnius is the present capital of Lithuania. From the tower of Gediminas Castle visitors admire majestic views of the baroque Vilnius Old Town. The architectural variety demonstrates the rich heritage of the city, drawing from influences of different cultures.
The Lithuanian language About half of the world’s population speak languages which belong to Indo-European group of languages including Spanish, English, Ger- man, French. Scientists claim in its phonetics and morphology Lithuanian is the only living language closest to the Proto-Indo- European language. Jonas Basanavi č ius, the most famous Lithuanian linguist
The Hill of Crosses near Šiauliai The Hill of Crosses is a special monument of faith. Hundreds of thousand crosses and rosaries are put up on the slopes of the hill. This place has been used by piligrims to pray for peace, for their country, relatives as well as family members. Crossmaking is inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
Shrove Tuesday Shrove Tuesday (U ž gav ė n ė s) is a carnival when people commonly dress as devils, witches, Gypsies, brides, horses, goats, etc. It is celebrated to mark the end of winter. Shrove Tuesday is also the last opportunity for Catho- lics to enjoy a substantial meal, before the Lent.
Lithuanian meals The local favourite food are so called cepelinai – potato dumplings stuffed with meat, served with sour cream and bits of bacon. Šaltibarš č iai, the traditional Lithuanian cold beet soup, is one of favorite summer recipes. It is served with hot potatoes.
Basketball in Lithuania Basketball is “the second religion” of Lithuania. Everyone knows these names - A.Sabonis, Š.Jasikevi č ius, J.Valan č i ū nas.
Lithuanian handicrafts Traditional Lithuanian handicrafts, such as artistic linen, ceramic, amber articles are the best souvenirs to bring home.