Welcome Parents! Homebase 201 By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
Contact Information Mrs. Eileen Stec Voyager Team English and Social Studies Absences : After a child is absent for the second day, we are more than happy to collect work for him/her to send home. Please call or me. I will send around a folder to each core area teacher. The folder will be down in the lobby, on the 6 th grade shelf, outside of the main office, after 2:30 p.m. Homebase 201 Information
Welcome Parents! English Periods 1 & 2/Periods 4 & 5
Contact Information: Mrs. Eileen Stec Voyager Team The best time to reach me by phone is between 7:00 am and 7:30 am or 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. daily. You can reach me by anytime. English Language Arts (ELA)
Reading Materials Newberry Award-winning and/or high interest novels Literature Anthology (kept at school) Non-fiction Poetry Skills we will be working on comprehension, text analysis, vocabulary, reading fluency, understanding organizational structures and graphics, identifying literary elements, and interpreting literature to distinguish essential information from non-essential information Course Content and Expectations In Class Reading
Course Content and Expectations Independent Reading Why Reading Workshop? Reading Workshop encourages students to read many of books at their level and choose from a variety of works. It also adds conferencing, modeling, and the teaching of reading strategies. There are three ‘parts’ to Reading Workshop: Mini-lessons Activity Conferencing Period Reflection
Concepts and skills will be taught and reinforced through various avenues including: mini-lessons direct instruction Writing Workshop Grammar
Journals Writing Workshop Variety of assignments: responses to literature quick-write activities special assignments research papers Writing
3 inch binder (used for all subjects) with 1 section in binder designated for English OR Single subject binder Composition book/Journal Pencils/Colored Pencils Sheet protectors Materials Needed English
Homework will be given every night. Use of the student planner is encouraged. Typically it will include an English assignment as well as a reading assignment. Independent reading/Reading Workshop will be ongoing. Homework is due on the due date. Assignments will be accepted one day late for half credit. Late Homework is better than NO Homework Homework
Do you need help organizing your binders? Are you confused about how to study for a Science test? Are your vocabulary words giving you a headache? Do you need to review for a chapter test in Math? Are you looking for a fun way to study? Are you reviewing for a Social Studies test? Do you need a place to finish your homework? Are you in the middle of an amazing book? Do you need to prepare for an accelerated reader test? Do you need a suggestion for a good book to read? Join Mrs. Uhrig in room 114 every Wednesday from 2:21 – 3:30 p.m. for reading and study time. We will begin in October. Homework club
Grades are calculated using a total points system. Each assignment or assessment given is worth a certain number of points. Homework assignments are typically worth 5-15 points, quizzes are worth around points, and tests and/or projects can be worth up to 100 points. Final grades are determined by the total number of points earned, divided by the total number of points offered. Grading
Contact Information: Mrs. Eileen Stec Voyager Team The best time to reach me by phone is between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. daily. You can reach me by anytime. Social Studies Period 6
Focus: geography, culture, and ancient civilizations Two textbooks will support our learning: World Studies: Foundations of Geography and My World History: Early Ages. We will begin the course with the World Studies: Foundations of Geography textbook. Rotations: Students will rotate SS teachers every week in order to gain an extra week of math every 4 weeks. Social Studies
Foundations of Geography Themes of Geography Map Skills Geographic Tools Physical Characteristics of Place Human Characteristics of Place Patterns of World Settlement Social Studies
World Cultures Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Mesoamerican Civilizations-Olmec, Aztec, Mayan Civilizations South American Civilizations-The Incas and The Andes Social Studies
3 inch binder (used for all subjects) with a sections designated for Social Studies OR A binder for Social Studies Colored pencils Glue Pencils Materials Needed Social Studies
Grades are calculated using a total points system. Each assignment or assessment given is worth a certain number of points. Final grades are determined by the total number of points earned, divided by the total number of points offered. Grading