AGENDA 1.Website 2.Draft Status 3.Schedule 4.Training 5.Field use 6.Equipment 7.Uniforms 8.Forms 9.Safety Plan (ASAP) 10.Safety Training QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
WEBSITE 1.Central point for information exchange 2.Schedules to be uploaded on line 3.Coach’s tool for communicating with team (optional) 4.Goal is efficiency and transparency 5.Managers and coaches will be assigned to teams on line along with players. 6.Families can opt in and out of receiving text message practice and game reminders. QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
WEBSITE – Schedule example QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
WEBSITE – Team availability example QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
WEBSITE – Documents example QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
DRAFT STATUS 1.Softball complete / Baseball Majors, Srs, Jrs complete 2.Baseball Minors this week QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
SCHEDULE 1.Practices start for all divisions on 3/2, T-ball 3/11 2.Practice Schedules will be published this week (Tuesday) 3.Game schedules by end of March 4.Opening Day is Saturday 4/6 5.Uniforms distributed by end of March 6.All Dates will be posted to QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
TRAINING 1.PCA Training: 3/3 10:00am 2.T-ball Training: 3/3 4:30pm 3.Baseball Positive Coach’s Training: 3/17 11am 4.Additional player and coach training in the works (pitching, catching, fielding) QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
FIELD USE 1.Rainouts a.Phone number is on website b.Please respect park’s decisions c.Make-ups can be rescheduled pending field availability 2.Lighted fields a.IBN, IBS, QA1 and QA2 b.Phone number for lights to be posted on website c.All others are for use until dusk 3.Other options a.Limited indoor use to be scheduled for minors and majors b.Time will be posted as part of practice schedule QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
EQUIPMENT 1.Equipment manager Tim Zamberlin 2. Tim with requests 3.Equipment distribution a.Coast, central, rookie pick-up at draft b.Other baseball Saturday at 9am c.Softball distribution d.T-ball equipment in boxes at the field 4.Purchases a.Only through equipment manager b.Coaches can then pickup if desired QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
UNIFORMS 1.Uniform Director is Audrey Kamemoto 2. Audrey with requests 3.All uniforms returned at end of season a.$30 replacement fee for lost jerseys b.$10 replacement fee for lost hats c.All teams keep hats d.T-ball keeps their uniform 4.Uniform Distribution Day – Monday 4/1 6-7p QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
FORMS 1.Volunteer Application a.Must be completed by every adult working with kids b.Turn into Jeremy Johnson 2. Medical Release Form a.Must be completed by every child b.Keep with you at every event QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
ASAP - SAFETY PLAN 1.Safety Director is Chris Houck 2. Chris with any questions 3.ASAP Plan review 4.Safety Training QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
QUESTION? QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013
THANKS FOR COACHING! The families and board of QALL thank you for your help. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your team. Have a great season!!! QALL Coach's Meeting 2/24/2013