SOPHOCLES BC Was a politician, priest, and military leader. Born in Colonus (not to far from Athens). Received musical education to better his work, and study history. Wrote in competitions, and won 18 prizes. Famous works include: Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, and Electra.
EURIPIDES BC Wrote about 92 plays. Free thinker, humanitarian. Always questioned religions. Forced his characters to confront personal issues, not just question. Used his plays to expose evils of his society. Famous Works: Heraclidae, Ion, Medea, Electra, Bacchae.
ARISTOPHANES C. 448 – 385 B.C. Won at least 6 times in contests. One of the first to write comedies. He showed that old comedy was changing… which later led to the end of his career. Wrote more than 40 plays, but 11 survive. Famous works: The Birds, The Clouds, The Frogs, Peace
AESCHYLUS C. 525 – 456 B.C. First of the main prize winning play writers. Wrote about 52 plays. His plays became more popular during the Classical Period. Performed as an actor for his and others plays. Wrote more tragedies. Major works: Agamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides