SSRL Crystal Mounting System
Sample Storage Cassette Stores 96 samples mounted on standard Hampton pins NdFeB ring magnet Teflon washer Hampton pin
Sample Storage Cassette
The Dispensing Dewar
Vertically Opening Gripper Arms The Robot and Gripper Arms Z U θ1θ1 θ2θ2 Fingers to Hold Dumbell Magnet Tool Cryo-tong Cavity Epson ES553 Robot
How do I transport my cassette? Mount 3 cassettes at the beam line up to 288 samples Ship 2 cassettes inside a Taylor Wharton or MVE dry shipper Store 20 cassettes inside a Taylor Wharton HC35 storage device Cassette transfer handle
Robot Demonstration
(A) Sample Cassette and Hampton pins (B) Guide Tool – to aid mounting pins into cassettes (C) Transfer Handle – for handling cold cassettes (D) Magnetic Tool – to mount pins in cassette & to test pin size (E) Dewar Canister – replaces stock canister in dry shipping dewars (F) Styrofoam Spacer – keeps single cassette in place when shipping (G) Teflon Ring – to support the canister in the shipping dewar Styrofoam box holds liquid nitrogen for loading cassettes How do I put crystals into cassettes?
Is It Easy to Use?
Standard Pins → Cross Compatibility
What pins work with the system?
How do I get the cassettes and tools? Manufacturing directions are available online at
Can the robot be used remotely?
Blu-Ice for beam line control Can run locally or remotely. Multiple copies may run simultaneously. Security features prevent unsafe actions. Beam line video system Monitor sample in beam, experimental hardware, and crystals under microscope. Video streams may be viewed via Blu-Ice or through a web browser. Archive System Back up data to multi-terabyte robot tape system at SDSC over network. Simple web interface for data archival and retrieval. No need to use backup tapes. Remote Unix desktop Fully functional Unix desktop environment. Blu-Ice and all data processing software may be run remotely. Free ICA client from Citrix. Remote Access Requirements:
Sorry - I cannot make it to work today. 1. Reliability 2. Feedback A collision has occurred! Ouch!
How Reliable is the System? In operation for more than a year JCSG screened > 3000 crystals in < 6 months Capable of mounting 100s of samples without problems Learn as much as we can from any problems
What Problems Have Occurred? Pass Failures Pin Tester Excess glue or grease spilled on pins
How Reliable is the System? Routine Preventative Care Maintenance / Inspection Schedules Feedback for sample and hardware protection Laser Displacement Sensors pin on/off the goniometer sample position check Force Sensor collision detection toolset calibration checks cassette insertion checks
Feedback Sensor ATI Industrial Automation force/torque sensor
Automated Calibration
Speedy Recovery Time Tongs are easily replaced Spare robot and parts readily available Menu driven automated recalibration Easy for all support staff to repair and maintain
The Macromolecular Crystallography Group SSRL Director: Keith Hodgson SMB Leader: Britt Hedman MC Leader: Mike Soltis Günter Wolf, Scott McPhillips, Paul Ellis, Aina Cohen, Jinhu Song, Zepu Zhang, Henry Van dem Bedem, Ashley Deacon, Amanda Prado, Jessica Chiu, John Kovarik, Ana Gonzalez, John Mitchell, Panjat Kanjanarat, Mike Soltis, Hillary Yu, Ron Reyes, Lisa Dunn, Tim McPhillips, Dan Harrington, Mike Hollenbeck, Irimpan Mathews, Joseph Chang, Irina Tsyba, Ken Sharp, Paul Phizackerley
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