Surveillance and NHSN SSI Tips Dana Burshell, VDH November 10, 2011
Surveillance Problems? VDH HAI Team is Here to Help HAI Epidemiologist - Dana Burshell, MPH, CPH, CIC Assistance with surveillance, metrics, Excel, and NHSN Ensure data quality for VA public reporting Masters degree in epidemiology Nurse Epidemiologist - Carol Jamerson, BSN, RN, CIC Assistance with surveillance definitions ~20 years of IP experience Program Coordinator - Andrea Alvarez, MPH Past HAI Epidemiologist with masters degree in epidemiology
Surveillance Terms and Metrics Explanation and assistance regarding HAI metrics: Prevalence vs. incidence rate P-value and 95% confidence interval Risk stratification Example: by type of ICU Risk adjustment Example: NHSN’s SSI standardized infection ratio (SIR) Rates SIR
NHSN Assistance Finding appropriate resources Importing/exporting data Ensuring compliance with mandates How to make corrections Example: unit incorrectly mapped to CDC location Batched questions to NHSN Running reports Analysis tips Customization of forms and reports Data quality checks
Take the Time to Know NHSN’s Resources NHSN Help Available when signed into NHSN NHSN Help contents Website Protocols, forms, manuals Trainings, metrics, reports Clinical Document Architecture Communication updates
Future Plans for Communication: Divide and Conquer Monthly Steering Committee APIC-VA Mandatory Reporting Committee VDH HAI newsletter VDH HAI website Batched questions to NHSN s via NHSN (update your contact information) Webinars/documents for popular topics Onus on APIC-VA and IPs to communicate their needs as VDH HAI Program’s attention will also be directed to non- acute settings (ex. LTC).
Questions, Concerns, Ideas? Contact information: Dana Burshell (804)