CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services AS-IDS Information meeting 9 December 2002 for SPO’s, DPO’s & RC’s
CERN AS-IDS Agenda Overview of IDS –people, products, process PPT, CET, HRT, EDH –review 2002 –work in progress / pipeline –tasks for 2003 (& beyond) Discussions & Questions AoB + Drink
CERN AS-IDS Overview of IDS People & Products
CERN AS-IDS AS-IDS in the AIS picture AIS = AS-OP + AS-CIS + AS-IDS + AS-SAS –OP responsible for streamlining & simplifying administrative procedures –CIS responsibility for the Corporate applications (HR, Qualiac, BAAN, Foundation, CFU etc.) to restricted users –IDS interfacing with CIS applications to provide input (EDH, PPT) and output (CET, HRT, EDH, PPT) to all users –SAS Providing Infrastructure (machines, databases) & services (ais support)
CERN AS-IDS How are requirements gathered? EVM Financial Rules & Controls Safety Rules Working Practices Changing Organisation Machines QUALIAC HR Databases Changing Environment Baan Regular Contact DPO, DAO’s AS-OP Helpdesk Support Calls Suggestions/Ideas Ad-hoc (AoC) User contact Users DPO meeting GTPA CLA TEC SAPOCO Directorate / MB Committees Purchasing Finance LogisticsStores Services
CERN AS-IDS How is work planned / prioritised Planning Day Team / GL POW DL / DirectorGL/Supervisor MAPS New requirements Business Case + Resources? CGL / DL Jan MarJulDec
CERN AS-IDS Why this meeting ? Traditional meeting over the last few years with DPO’s – this year extended to RC’s & SPO’s SPO’s, DPO’s & RC’s represent key users for us….information exchange deemed mutually beneficial You, and your colleagues can contact us at ANY time – is the preferred route for bugs, questions etc. from any user –Direct contact for requirements, suggestions, feedback from key users We do our best to listen to and react on User input, however we are constrained by our resource situation & “external influences”
CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services PPT Review, Status & Future Jurgen De Jonghe
CERN AS-IDS PPT Review 2002 Feb: aisMedia to replace Tuovi doc database March/April: LHC contract tracking with PPT to determine LHC expenditure profile May: Specification for LHC Earned Value Management tool June: Architecture, Analysis, Design… Sept: first release of EVM tool Oct: first production release + 2nd LHC contract tracking based on PPT repository Nov: conversion of existing data to automatically upload in PPT Dec: LHC-MMS data
CERN AS-IDS PPT Work In Progress & Future Short: –further data collection for LHC EVM –evangelism –automatic progress reporting cycle Medium: –technical consolidation –EVM graphs, trends, component rates –workflow –manpower Long: –other CERN projects: CNGS, Atlas installation
CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services HRT Review, Status & Future Per Gunnar Jönsson
CERN AS-IDS HRT 2002 Achievements MAPS form FAS Programs –Due to very successful collaboration with HR New access mechanisms –Multiple roles –Access using PPA –Personal Access (myHRT) Historical Personnel Summary & List Substantial work on improving data extractions
CERN AS-IDS HRT 2002 Usage The obligatory statistics: –1400 different people have been using HRT –1200 queries per day (1700 peak). –Biggest user queries during 2002
CERN AS-IDS HRT 2003 Much work needed that’s not directly visible –Extractions need to be further looked into –Move to Oracle Jdeveloper development software. Current software obsolete and dropped by manufacturer. –Move to Oracle 9iAS server software. Current software obsolete. –Tools for enhanced efficiency in creating new reports.
CERN AS-IDS HRT 2003 continued. FAS Programs –HR Collaboration to continue. Images (for guard services). French Card applications. Pick up on backlog of requests.
CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services BHT/CET Review, Status & Future Mikael Angberg
CERN AS-IDS BHT 2002 BHT Maintenance –Yearly and Monthly bookclosings –525 Remedy requests during 2002 –519 Solved –Maintenance and support level put “on hold” because of CET BHT Usage –Up to 1’300 reports per day (04/02/2002) –168’142 Reports in Total during 2002 –1’402 Different Users of BHT during 2002 BHT will run until Financial End of Year 2002 Still to be done in BHT –Yearly bookclosing of 2002 (no data for 2003 in BHT)
CERN AS-IDS CET “ it is recommended that CERN upgrade BHT (Budget Holder Toolkit) to allow project engineer, group leaders and project management to follow a contract under its responsibility from the beginning to the end with a user-friendly access to all the relevant data needed. “ In addition to existing BHT functionality, CET provides for : –Contract Tracking –Cashflow tuning (with PPT) –Extensive pluri-annual reporting –Supplier vs Budget Code payment perspectives –Date-tracked Pipeline –Tighter integration with CFU –Extended Team & Collaboration Accounting –Many enhanced reports (pivot, telephone) –Bookclosed Daily –LHC, FI & SPL specific reports –EVM reporting (with PPT) 4 Presentations 4 Tailor Made workshops 25,000 reports, 400 users Issues Sorting, subtotals, pipeline Descriptions, Stored Reports & Macros
CERN AS-IDS CET Development Process –ERC “weaknesses” identified in Aug 2001 –Database re-design during 2001 –BHT New Extraction -> CET extraction –CET client developed with HRT team Status –4 CERN presentations (200+ people) –4 tailor-made workshops (60 people) –370 users to date –500 reports/day Issues –Sorting, Sub-totals & Pipeline –Existing Stored Reports & Macros
CERN AS-IDS CET Future BHT Run in Parallel –Until close of financial year 2002 –2003 Data in CET only Resolve outstanding issues –Sorting, Excel export etc New data, features & reports –Reports : Personnel, EVM, SPL & FI specific –Data : Invoice pipeline –Features : Price revisions++ Event Subscription (wibnify) –Budget Alerts –Expenditure (Ceiling) Alerts
CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services EDH Review, Status & Future James Purvis
CERN AS-IDS Review of 2002 Document search AVCL –Subsistence, Advance, Sundry Expenses, 3 rd Party Payment, Home Leave New Catalog Enclosures New Search Screens for Roles, Profiles & Signature Rights Workflow –Fixes to allow Userreg –Special routings New Desktop XML Import New Personal Schedule Removal of more legacy code Catalog maintenance tool AOC document –AOC creator right. New version of Oriac / Siriac New Database Enclosures (by or file upload) Leave Request –New Home Leave calculation AIS Event system TT terminated (impact)
CERN AS-IDS Controls, controls, controls… DR reference in DAI & Activity Code in All Documents –DRs > 50K Programme Controller & Director of Admin –DAIs > 50K if no DR Programme Controller & Director of Admin –DAIs > 50K Programme Controller & Director of Admin –DAIs > 50 K Programme Controller –DRs > 50K Programme Controller SCEM 53, but not SCEMs A, B, B, A, B, C, Programme Controller Activity Codes 11,15,41,43,82,85,871,877,9, 52* GL & DL SCEMs : 7.06,12.03,12.08,12.11, , ,20,53 GL & DL Divisional Special Routings –ST Division special financial routing (GL & DPO) –TIS Division special financial routing (DL) –SPL Division special financial routing (DL) –SL Division Project Routing –IT Division Project Routing –Plus some special Leave, Overtime & Home Leave confirmation routings requested by DAOs (EP, SL, PS…) Divisions with NO special routings –AC, AS, DG, DSU, EST, ETT, FI, HR, LHC, TH,
CERN AS-IDS 2002 Statistics ?% more hits –Up to 5 hits per second ?% more active users ~200K documents created Signature every ? seconds 1’182’000 th EDH document ?
CERN AS-IDS Coming in 2003 New EDH Desktop –Full text search –Export to Excel –Personal Folders (similar to BHT & HRT) New Search Tools –Full text search on Budget Codes, Contracts, etc. New EDH Catalog –Search + XML import –New Design –100,000 new items Infrastructure –Workflow Upgrade –Web Server Upgrade –IDE Upgrade Accident Declaration AVCL (7 Documents) New Documents –PAF (MAPS?, CDFS?, …) –Backlog from 2001/2002 TCR Overtime integration? Attachments
CERN AS-IDS EDH Admin Changes New Signature right: ‘Create AOC’ Defines the ability to create an IS39 ‘Avis d’Ouverture de Chantier’ Contract Manager and Contract Responsible (used by OSVC) now maintained by CFU.
CERN AS-IDS Impact Of EVM Development Delayed / Not Completed –Project Request Form –Enclosures in EDH –AVCL Replacement –Catalogue Maintenance & Import Tool –Accident Declaration –Better Support for Externals Development Not Started –Maintenance of Intersection Codes –PAFS –Contract Minutes Workflow –XML Import for Transport Request –Confidential Stamp –CMS enhancement requests for PPT –ATLAS enhancement requests for PPT –EVM requests for experiments, GRID & Others in PPT –Improved productivity tools for ART & EDH Additional Consequences –Technology “Freeze” –Running on obsolete & unsupported versions of Oracle WF –Developing using Obsolete IDE –Running Web applications on obsolete Application Server –Supporting of users In Industry EVM implementation cost = 2% of total project cost. Zero extra resources given to group for EVM.
CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics Administrative Information Services Discussions / Questions AoB