Scheme Managers’ Competency Toolkit
Competency Toolkit
Consultant’s Roles Observer Technical consultant Expert Facilitator Teacher Showingexample ConsultantCoachPartner Consultant’sresponsibilityforthesuccessoftheproject Consultant ’ s responsibility for the client Lowinteraction Middleinteraction Highinteraction
Handling Stress
Change Management Skills Acceptance of change Lowy High Time ShockHope Desperation First success
Conflict handling skills ASSERTIVENESS (concern for me) CO-OPERATIVENESS (concern for you) High Low High Competing /forcing Collaborating AvoidingAccommodating Compromising
Motivation skills Achievement (performance) oriented Influence (power) oriented Affiliation (personal relationship) oriented Security (safety) oriented What can you do with these clients as a consultant? What you shouldn’t do with these clients as a consultant?
Consultant toolkit: SWOT analysis StrengthsWeaknesses ThreatsOpportunities
Force Field Analysis Plan: Introduce the Job Safety Analysis program in the plant. Employees are afraid of accidents Strong CEO support Safety Department supports the idea Some safety officers are afraid of loosing their job Foremen don't want to participate in training the operators Managers oppose the total involvement of operators Forces For Change Driving Forces Forces Against Change Restraining Forces To reduce serious accidents by 50% by the end of To collect operators' ideas to improve safety. The objective of the program is
Project plan for Scheme managers Result of group work