1. What do plant roots prevent? (human impact) 2. What are various methods humans use to take care of the soil ?(soil conservation) ? 3. _______________-a change in the environment (air, water, or soil) that is harmful to living things.(natural resources or pollution)
Frayer Model Soil Conservation Definition:Characteristics/facts Examples:Non-examples: Soil Conservation
Frayer Model Soil Conservation Definition: various methods humans use to take care of the soil. Characteristics/facts Examples: crop rotation, cover crop, contour plowing, terracing, windbreak Non-examples: Soil Conservation
Key Questions 1. What is pollution? 2. What is air pollution? 3. What are emissions? 4. What is the ozone? 5. How does the ozone get holes in it? 6. Where do chloroflurocarbons come from? 7. What does UV radiation cause? 8. What is air conservation?
1. What is pollution? 1. Pollution-a change in the environment (air, water, or soil) that is harmful to living things.
` Air pollution is caused by: Power plants burning fossils fuels Cars and trucks Erupting volcanoes factories 2. What is air pollution?
3. What are emissions? 2. Emissions-tiny particles and gases released into the air that cause pollution.
4. What is the ozone? 4. Ozone-gases that protect life on Earth from solar radiation.
5.. How does the ozone get holes in it? 5. The holes in the ozone come from chlorofluorocarbons also called CFCs.
6. Where do chlorofluorocarbons come from? 6. CFCs come from aerosol cans, cooling AC systems, refrigerator systems.
7. What Does UV radiation cause? 7. Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer and damaging effects of plants and animals.
8. What is air conservation? 8. Air Conservation Filters on smokestacks at factories (filters out harmful chemicals) Devices on car exhaust Part of a smokestack filter.
Homework: Copy and answer 1.Name three examples of pollution. 2. Name some causes of air pollution. 3. What does ozone protect us from? 4. What happens if ozone has holes in it? 5. CFC means what?