Technology & Special Education Rachel Murray
Introduction Ever changing technology can be an invaluable asset to any educator in the classroom. However, there are so many products that it can be difficult to differentiate those that are reliable and helpful. Following is comprehensive snapshot of helpful technology A full list of the twenty websites that have been evaluated is available
Summary Findings Assistive Technology is software or hardware designed to benefit users with physical disabilities or learning differences Stick to well known companies or those that sell a variety of products Check out their policies When looking for reliable
Summary Findings continued Assistive technology in the classroom can be helpful in many forms “Teachers wear microphones to amplify speech for students with hearing disabilities. Students with learning or processing difficulties take their tests on computers on which both the questions and their responses are read aloud. The body of knowledge surrounding assistive technology has progressed in leaps and bounds during the last 4-5 years. “
Review and Evaluation Evaluation News and Research Special Education National Archives Center for Implementing Technology Schwab Learning LD Online Products Lingui Systems IntelliTools
News & Research Technology is an ever changing field and therefore keeping up on the most current developments is essential. From new laws to new technology these websites contain invaluable information. No Child Left Behind Individuals with Disabilities Education Act i.e. What kind of technology can be used to assist these children? Funds for this technology
Special Education National Archives The Special Education/ National Activities Website, eptms/index.html, is run by the Government eptms/index.html Current information regarding laws effecting special education and resources for teachers. Enormous amount of approved and legitimate websites for educators and parents alike. Great link to links
Center for Implementing Technology in Education Includes updates and news on the forefront of Special Education and Technology. “CITEd’s Action Center provides resources to plan an educational technology initiative and establish a community of practice. Find a wide range of tools to infuse technology throughout the learning experience for all students. Let CITEd's profiles of educational technology leaders serve as inspiration and a foundation for new ideas.”
Center for Implementing Technology in Education Online workshop introduces participants to a wide range of adaptive technologies. Assistive Technology 101 This resource includes information for parents and teachers on the basics of assistive technology (AT) and how to choose AT devices. Assistive Technology in K-12 Schools This resource provides tips on how to integrate assistive technology into the classroom. Information includes success stories, case studies, quizzes, and lesson ideas.
Schwab Learning guides that can be helpful and downloaded from their website assistive technology social relationships transitioning to adulthood.
Applicable assistive technology speech recognition alternative keyboards audio books optical character recognition (click here for example)here portable word processors.
LD Online It’s a one stop resource center for educators and teachers alike. There are links for those “Getting Started” to working with children that have disabilities; there is also expert advice and many helpful features. The features include changes in national law, a newsletter and calendar.
LD Online Example of Article from website Technology for studentsechnology for students Teachers! Learn how the latest technology can help your students. Computers can turn printed words into speech, and spoken words into print. Think of the possibilities! read more >> read more >>
Products Now that teachers can find the knowledge they need to better educate their children, there still leaves the dilemma of finding the appropriate materials by which to teach them. Many websites claim to sell assistive technology tools, but few have the variety and value that the following websites do.
Lingui Systems Offers an extensive amount of technology products for students with disabilities. Lifetime Product Guarantee™ and Hassle-free returns! Products Include: Tests Spanish Products Early Intervention Tools Click here to view a page of the cataloghere
Easy to navigate sections for Educators, Parents, Government and Seniors. Download updates right on the first page of the website. Classroom Suite multimedia modeling, animation (Click here for scanned image)here auditory support to assist students with challenging concepts. IntelliTools
Conclusions Comprehensive list of resources but is by no means conclusive. Technology is an ever changing field and requires that educators constantly stay on top of what is new and innovative. The most important aspect of an educator is to be well informed. Being informed creates a cycle of knowledge that benefits the children the most. When an educator is able to use any and all tools available to assist that child, the greater the chances that, that child will succeed. As educators, it is our obligation to give these children every chance we can to do their best. Click here for closing remarks
Additional Resources Special Education National Archives Schwab Learning Center for Implementing Technology in Education Lingui Systems IntelliTools LD Online Research Paper on Special Education and Technology Click here Internet Address Book Click here