Today is the Lord’s Day. We set this day aside as a time to honor God our spiritual Father, and dedicate ourselves to participate in specific acts intended to worship and please Him. But this Lord’s Day is also a time that most people in our country seek to honor their physical father also. Various things are done on this day in an effort to acknowledge and say “Thank-you” to Dads. So I thought we’d spend a little time today giving some spiritual perspective on
But any male of sufficient physical maturity can “produce” a child- being a “father” to a child is much more than just having one. In fact, many are “fathers” to children they didn’t actually produce- those these two are in fact mine. And sadly, way too many men produce children to whom they are never “fathers!”
Considering that distinction, We need to understand a few things: There is a level of “honor” that is due your physical fathers just because he is your progenitor, Eph.6:2. This has little to do with the kind of father he actually is- it is given just because he is your father. By comparison, and to illustrate, some politicians / officials are treated with a modicum of respect simply because of the position they hold- whether they are “honorable” or not. So it is also with physical fathers- basic respect is due simply because of he is your father, cp. Eph.6:1.
But, Consider also the “honor” that should be given when a “father”- whether he is physically yours or not, is the kind that: Doesn’t demand your respect just because he is your physical father, but earns it by example, Eph.6:4a; Col.3:21. Don’t misunderstand, “Because I’m your father” is a good reason for obedience- especially when we’re too young to fully comprehend the rest of the reasons for it. But if that is the only reason for his demands, if there are not good and sound reasons for them in regard to your health and well-being physically and/or spiritually, he isn’t earning more than just basic respect due to a progenitor.
But, Consider also the “honor” that should be given when a “father”- whether he is physically yours or not, is the kind that: Doesn’t demand your respect just because he is your physical father, but earns it by example, Eph.6:4a; Col.3:21. Teaches you how to love sacrificially by loving your mother that way, Eph.5: I cannot recall a day of my young life at home that I didn’t see my father embrace or kiss or tell my mother that he loved her. Children learn to be loved by the actions of their parents toward them, Titus 2:4. But they also learn how to love by how their fathers demonstrate love to their mothers! cp. Rom.1:31
But, Consider also the “honor” that should be given when a “father”- whether he is physically yours or not, is the kind that: Doesn’t demand your respect just because he is your physical father, but earns it by example, Eph.6:4a; Col.3:21. Teaches you how to love sacrificially by loving your mother that way, Eph.5: Cares enough for you to help you become who you should be through teaching and discipline, Eph.6:4b; Heb.12:5-13. My father taught Vocational Agriculture to high school kids for nearly 35 years. Many of his students didn’t have real fathers. He once told me something I’ve never forgotten: “If I can just teach these kids how to be good people, then any Ag I can teach them is a bonus.” Joe Buck Strong After several successive years of his being voted “Favorite Teacher,” the school implemented a rule that you couldn’t receive the award in consecutive years.
So, If you want to “honor” your father (the earthly and the Heavenly) today: Cards, gifts, and food are appreciated, but really not necessary, But be sure to give him the respect he’s earned through being a godly father: By being godly yourself- there is no greater honor you can give him or God. By loving your wife and children sacrificially and selflessly rather than selfishly as he taught you by example. By teaching and disciplining your children (and maybe some that aren’t really yours but need a father) so he can have godly grandchildren, Gen.18:19! Thanks Dad, and Happy Father’s Day!