Who’s Teaching Whom? Scientist-Teacher Teams in the GK-12 Fellows Program and Successful Administrative Strategies.


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Presentation transcript:

Who’s Teaching Whom? Scientist-Teacher Teams in the GK-12 Fellows Program and Successful Administrative Strategies

GK-12 : NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education Advanced graduate students in SMET disciplines SMET teachers in K-12 settings Technology-enriched classrooms, integrating computer-based modeling, visualization, and informatics

Teams Computer scientists in calculus Mechanical engineers in vocational classrooms Molecular biologists in biology Chemists in chemistry and biology classes Mathematicians in “regular” math classes

Tools Laptops, student computer stations, Internet accessible Visualization: Biology Workbench, ChemViz Online evaluation for fellows, mentors, teachers, and students

Initial results?

Success Depends on the Administration Across six unique K-12 learning sites, administration decision-making was identified as a common hurdle— and support—for scientist and teacher teams.

Identified detriments to realizing technology integration: Not being aware of school classroom ecologies Limited understanding of the role visualization technology can play in teaching and learning Not recognizing the need for long-term teacher development

Successful Administrative Models Strategic planning with short-, mid-, and long-term objectives identified. This includes creating a technology plan that enhances engaged learning for the specific learner communities, thereby avoiding “Cart-Before-the-Horse Syndrome."

Successful Administrative Models Educator input solicited and authentically applied in a collaborative environment via cross-departmental committees, quarterly meetings, and informal “open door” policies.

Successful Administrative Models Clear pathways for communication across stakeholder communities that include teachers, departmental leaders, administrators, parents, and the board.

Successful Administrative Models Significant understanding of both the challenges and benefits of technology

Successful Administrative Models Professional development that includes: mentoring peer-to-peer opportunities workshop and conference budgets periods off for planning integrated technology support

Who’s Teaching Whom, Again? Administrators can learn by listening to their communities’ needs Teachers can learn from peers and scientist/fellows Fellows learn how to teach science to the next generation

Resources GK-12 Fellows Program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign gk12/ Biology Student Workbench ChemViz