Isabel Calabuig Lotte Endsleff 1 NODES regional MEETING Europe Digitarium,


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Presentation transcript:

Isabel Calabuig Lotte Endsleff 1 NODES regional MEETING Europe Digitarium, Joensuu, Finland, March

Participation – New organisation! Financing by the Faculties of Science at the Universities of 1) Copenhagen 2) Aarhus 3) Southern Denmark Secretariat: NHMD Copenhagen –Node Manager / Data curator / GBIF collaboration: Isabel Calabuig –Scientific Communications Officer & web editor: Lotte Endsleff IT-infrastructure – ad hoc IT-personnel at Science & Technology Aarhus BOARD: Chair UCPH, Members: Collection manager NHMD; Collection manager Aarhus (ALSO the new DanBIF director); Researcher Aarhus, Researcher Odense New vision and new work plan under development –Rallying point for Danish-based biodiversity data shared on the web –To be discussed at first meeting of the new board, April 22 Status for DanBIF contact network: –66 institutions, companies, organisations, societies etc. –194 people from Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland 2

Infrastructure IT regarding communication – Run in UCPH Obvius CMS by Lotte Endsleff IT regarding data – Run by personnel in Aarhus IPT provider – DwC archives (about 6) and main SQL-table for majority of data No more local servers - No multimediaserver 3

Content IPT in Aarhus – All datasets have been migrated from DiGIR provider 8,084,144 records in 45 datasets 4

Highlights & Bottlenecks DanBIF new main webportal and other websites – (interrim URLs): MAIN: – Entomological Society – – Natural History Guide – – Center for Invasive Species – Species inventory for Denmark – searchfunction Getting the node to work as a new distributed national infrastructure 5

DanBIF core business & associated activities 3: Collect and maintain inventory of all species occurring in Denmark

Future developments Aarhus IT personnel setting up procedures for regular data upload of certain big datasets Evaluating and updating all metadata Mobilising updates for relevant datasets Mobilising new datasets –especially big ones in 2013 because of data preparation resources in Aarhus this year 9

Future developments Participation in mainly work package 1, specifically contributing to tasks on: –Assessment and evaluation of biodiversity data sources –Harmonization of European taxonomic backbone and analysis of taxonomic coverage –Integration of taxonomic backbone data –Integrated approaches for focused biodiversity data mobilization –Exploring citizen science-based approaches for mobilizing and generating biodiversity data 10 Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network EU BON is funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework programme, Contract No

Future developments Being part of DAIM office at NHMD: Digital Assets Information Management –Concerted effort on preparing data for publishing in Danish as well as international GBIF contexts –Providing services regarding NHMD use of UCPH Obvius CMS 11


– Facts Danish participant node of GBIF – DanBIF – established 2001 –also GBIF node for the Faroe Islands and Greenland. DanBIF secretariat funded by: –University of Copenhagen – Faculty of Science –Aarhus University – Science and Technology –University of Southern Denmark – Faculty of Science DanBIF is housed by SNM-ZMUC but acts NATIONWIDE 13

DanBIF core business & associated activities 1: Make biodiversity data housed in Denmark available for search through the GBIF portal, –with emphasis on data concerning Danish species and data from Greenland and Faroe Islands Assist data owners to handle, store, and disseminate their data in GBIF Process existing data sets –Currently: 7.7 million data records from 45 data sets –Planned: 4 million data records from 33 datasets Identify and acquire ’hidden’ data sets

Help users in applying GBIF data for their research and management of biodiversity Continued contact to data owners and users in Denmark Newsletters; information service; Articles and press releases; exhibitions; radio/TV-interviews; University lectures – Meetings & conferences on topical biodiversity themes – DanBIF core business & associated activities 2: