The Chamber network at the service of female entrepreneurship Turin, Italy 14 July 2006
Who are we? A network of women and men working in European CCIs National Chamber Associations Regional and Local Chambers
OUR MEMBERS 44 National Chamber Organisations
THE NETWORK 120,000,000 Employees +1,950 Chambers of Commerce 44 National Chamber Organisations +18,873,000 Enterprises
Why EWN? The need for more women in the economic environment Women have specific problems – specific solutions are needed Fruitful activities by CCIs at local/ regional/ national level, but lack of exchange at European level
What are our objectives? Contribute to long-term economic growth Foster equal opportunity rights Address the specific needs of working women
What have we already achieved? EU-wide projects (supported by the European Commission) Better understanding of women in business’ issues Stereotype-busting survey Concrete tools to help (young) women in different situations
Women in Business and in Decision-Making
Women in Business and in Decision-Making – good practices I comitate per la promozione dell’imprenditoria femiline (IT) Women’s Cooperative Bank (CY) Career Counselling Guide (GR) «E trifft U» - start up meets entrepreneur (DE)
Women in Decision-Making Positions
Survey results Business = male affair Man = career Woman = household & children A question of credibility Lack of confidence in capabilities Lack of self-confidence Women and decision-making
Remedies A different approach from primary school onwards Promotion of role models in the media Encouragement at school to go into male sectors/jobs Better career counselling/more information about jobs and sectors
Talent Check results: people across Europe have used this tool: useful to find out more about their professional preferences Mentoring programme results: Mentees have reported back positive effects: Personal development; enhancement self-esteem and professional motivation; defined professional goals and understanding the importance of networking The role models brochure: 39 portraits of female entrepreneurs analysed: How to make your way in a male dominated sector Common points: female intuition and determination
EUROCHAMBRES Women Network Contact details: Birgit Arens Tel: