Solutions for Enterprise Wide Procurement (SEWP) LS
Agenda I.Program Overview II.SEWP Structure and Scope III.Agency Acquisition Support IV.Q and A 2
SEWP Structure and Scope 3
Agencies approved by OMB for IT Product/Service GWACs -GSA, NIH, & NASA -Other agencies may have targeted GWAC authority Based on Clinger-Cohen Act Pre-award activities/verifications already performed at basic contract level -e.g. business size and financial responsibility determinations, etc. Open to All Federal Agencies and their Authorized Support Contractors All Federal Agencies have utilized SEWP Government Wide Acquisition Support Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) 4
147 PRIME CONTRACT HOLDERS INCLUDING 120 SMALL BUSINESSES 28 SDVOSB (Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses) 19 HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zones) 11 EDWOSB (Economically-Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Businesses) SEWP by the Numbers SEWP V Current Figures… see “SEWP Snapshot” Thousands of Providers including Cisco, Apple, Dell, HP, IBM, NetApp, EMC, APC, VMware, Microsoft, Oracle, etc. Millions of Unique Products & Product Based Services SEWP V began on May 1 st, year contracts (5 year base contract with 5 year option) 5
What can be procured through SEWP? C ONTRACT V EHICLE FOR P URCHASE OF ICT (I NFORMATION AND C OMMUNICATION T ECHNOLOGY ), A UDIO /V ISUAL P RODUCT S OLUTIONS, AND R ELATED S ERVICES Information Technology & Networking Computer Hardware, Tablets Network Appliances: Routers, Modems, VOIP Storage Security Software & Cloud Software Virtualization and Cloud Computing XaaS (e.g. SaaS=Storage as a Service) Mobility & Communications Telecommunication Devices and Monthly Service Supporting Technology Scanners, Printers, Copiers, Shredders Associated Supplies and Accessories Sensors Health IT (e.g. Fitbit) AV/Conferencing A/V Equipment and Accessories TVs, Display Monitors, Projectors and Screens Services Maintenance / Warranty Site Planning / Installation / Cabling Product Based Training Product Based Engineering Services 6
About SEWP Products And Pricing SEWP Prices Product pricing is fair and reasonable at the contract level Labor Price reasonableness determined by initiator Contractually required to be equal to or lower than their GSA prices Pricing can be negotiated Purchases can be consolidated to maximize price discounts Delivery Order With Options (DOWOs) can be used to consolidate requirements/purchases Internal competition results in line item discounts SEWP Fee Lowest of all GWACs and periodically reviewed and reduced Currently set at 0.39% (built in) Comparison to GSA Schedules: 0.75% (built in) SEWP Products No traditional searchable catalog Items added to contract based on customer requests Requests to add products are approved or denied within one business day Quotes are verified against contract catalog for pricing and availability 7
SEWP V Groups NAICS Code Group A Full and open Competition NAICS Code Group B(1) HUBZone Set-Aside Group B(2) Service-Disabled Veteran- Owned Small Business Set- Aside Group C Small Business Set-Aside Group D Full and Open Competition All business size designations are represented throughout SEWP V Scope is the same for all Groups RFQ’s can be submitted separately to Group A (which has a different NAICS code) or any combination of Groups B, C and D Alignment of groups ensures proper use of NAICS codes 8
Agency Acquisition Support 9
Strategic Sourcing – Federal Initiatives OMB’s Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiatives (FSSI) to cover multiple IT commodities [e.g. DTLT; workstations; servers; cyber security etc.] Objectives: Manage multiple agency contract vehicles Manage 80% of federal IT spend Reduce costs & increase value NASA SEWP has been appointed lead agency for the Desktop Laptop [DTLT] commodity: Establish standard DTLT configurations across agencies Compare & determine common Terms & Conditions across contracts Develop best practices for managing IT spend using strategic sourcing principles Government-wide Strategic Solutions (GSS) for Desktops and Laptops Ordering System 10
Agency Strategic Initiatives Agency Guidance, Processes and Policy Agency specific Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs), etc. - Future enhancement: Automatically include Agency Ts and Cs with RFQs Points of Contacts Agency Web Pages Identified to customers during the Request For Quote process Agency-approved Product List Contract-level items and pricing in support of Agency requirements Strategically sourced items Click to Order functionality or consolidated bundling options Agency “Catalogs” 11
Reporting Available on SEWP Reporting availability Reporting at agency level to review purchase history via the SEWP contracts Reporting at product classification level Reporting on adherence to government initiatives Information provided during RFQ process Performance concerns Business size designation Contract Holder Information Government initiatives (e.g. Energy Star, EPEAT, TAA) Agency specific approval (option to provide pre-approved product list) Strategic Sourcing options Supply Chain information Product Information 12
Agency Report Example By request! 13
PLOT P rogram L evel O utreach T eam SEWP PLOT provides guidance on IT Procurements that are: Strategic Complex Significant in size Contact SEWP to arrange an onsite meetings for your Agency 14
PLOT INITIATIVE EXAMPLES Strategic Time sensitive Agency initiatives that involve new or emerging technology such as CLOUD, Mobility, CyberSecurity, etc. Complex Network security initiative consisting of the integration of scores of companies, hundreds of products, thousands of parts - installed CONUS and OCONUS Significant in Size IDIQ / DOWO providing for the ongoing acquisition of specified IT products spanning multiple years and amounting to significant expenditures. 15
PLOT TEAM Members of the SEWP PLOT Team Darlene Coen – SEWP Deputy Program Manager Expertise in Federal Procurement Policy and Regulations Ken Brown – Strategic Business Manager Expertise in Business Development and Capture to the Federal Government Al Marshall – Technical Strategist Expertise in Technology and Requirements Planning For general SEWP questions use… For questions related to Agency-level initiatives use… We recommend follow-up discussion to clarify requirements, options, and timelines 16
Q and A 17
Additional SEWP Information (Backup Slides) 18
Delivery Orders with Options [DOWOs] If an Agency has a requirement to purchase a set of known in-scope products and services but is uncertain of the timing of those purchases, a Request for Quote (RFQ) can be submitted using Fair Opportunity guidelines to one or more SEWP Contract Groups The Agency may award one or more Delivery Orders based on the quotes received. The initial base Delivery Order would establish the products/product solutions and pricing for those items. The maximum time for the existence of this order and any instructions for exercising options / placing option calls against the original quote and initial Delivery Order should be noted in the initial order The base and option years cannot exceed 5 years in duration 19
Delivery Orders with Options [cont.] Agency officials may then follow the procedures as stated in the base Delivery Order to place orders against the initial quote. This is per the FAR Part 16 exception to Fair Opportunity for logical follow-ons to a Delivery Order, which was itself awarded based on Fair Opportunity Any substantive change to the initial quote and subsequent base Delivery Order, such as increasing the scope of items quoted, would require a renewed Quoting and ordering cycle including issuing a new RFQ following Fair Opportunity procedures The actual usage and set-up of the base Delivery Order is the Contracting Officer’s responsibility. Typically, the base order is set up with and initial Delivery Order listing the product/solutions and prices included in the awarded quote. Subsequent Delivery Orders are issued options either as modifications or calls against the base order 20
How Best To Engage PLOT? 1. SEWP Program Office 2.In the outline what you are trying to accomplish. 3.We will get back to you within 24 hours. 4.PLOT is government facing. Agency information will not be shared with SEWP Contract Holders. 21
SEWP Customer Service Contacts 24x7x365 Get responses within 1 business day Helpline Mon–Fri, 7:30 AM–6:00 PM ET Fax Fax orders orders Mail10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite 200, Greenbelt, MD Find Us NASA SEWP Follow Group: NASA SEWP GWAC 22