Introduction to Sociology Access Nursing Tutor: Elspeth Cordell.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Sociology Access Nursing Tutor: Elspeth Cordell

Welcome! Meet and Greet! 15 minutes Ways to respect What we are doing- Units What is sociology? What sociology is not!

What we will be doing 5 units Concepts and Perspectives Research Methods Health and Illness I will be your marker

What is sociology? 10 minute group task : What do you think sociology is? Task 1 Feral Children

What it is Social science Empirical Based: Research using data Concerned with structure : Needle point relationships between individuals, to groups, organizations, and large institutions like the family, religion, the economy, nation states, education, science, sports, the arts, and all other aspects of social life TASK 2: Suicide Rates

Suicide Emile Durkheim on suicide suggests that even the most individual and personal of choices that we make are influenced by society. Poverty, Bullying at school, workplace bullying, discrimination. Psychology vs Sociology on suicide

What it is not Social behaviour not Individualistic behaviour – examines all the social world TASK3 : Zimbardo prison study – Video (0.50)

Sociology looks at: Society and culture Subcultures- cultural diversity Catholic family- eat with knife and fork- but pray before meals

Key terms and task 4 Roles- Values Norms Culture Statuses Whole class task- an aspect of culture: school

Values Students Norms Teacher Roles Customs Statuses Assessments Manager (high) Do homework Set homework Respect other students Education is worthwhile Hand-out task

Whiteboard task5 : Nursing

Sociological Themes How are people using Facebook? How do you use Facebook?

Examples of Research Ethnic Britain: Do we treat ethnic minorities differently? Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women Social Class: How important is social class in early learning? Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes

Recap So what have we done? Introduced + ways to respect Looked at -what is sociology What sociology is not Culture Examples of research

Feed forward Friday Unit 1 Social diversity- what it is Looking at the family in terms of social diversity Looking at the following factors of the next few weeks: Ethnicity Class Gender Physical ability Learning ability Age