What is Sociology? To understand what Sociology is.
What? and Why? Write down 3 what questions and 3 why questions about the clip shown.
What are the common reasons given in the videos that follow? Marcus Dowe Meeting with Boris Johnson DJ Bionic Rhona Teenager
Write down the generalisations you hear in this report Report
What is Sociology? The study of the development, organization, functioning, and classification of human societies.
AS Course 100% Exam, no coursework 40% Family and Households – One hour exam on 17 th May 2012 (9 am) 60% Education and Research Methods – Two hour written exam on 25th May 2012 (1 pm)
What should you expect? One essay a week for each teacher Opportunities to ask questions and think about how society works Amazing teaching!
We expect you to: Keep up with the work Work with others Ask if you don’t understand something Use your textbook Apply what you learn Be critical Practice questions
Extended Homework Make a booklet to prepare for Families and Households – details in handout Due 21 st September 2011 NO EXTENSIONS You will be tested on the work you prepare on the 21 st September.