Smoking Ban By: Mrs. Long’s Fifth Grade Class
Purpose/Question Our purpose is to make Northville a better place to live in the future by passing a smoking ban.
Background Information Facts A smoking ban will save tax dollars. Most people want a smoking ban. One cigarette can take off 11 minutes of your life. A smoking ban will not drive out smoking citizens in Michigan. More people want a partial smoking ban than a complete smoking ban.
Accomplishments Literature Review Group So far we have learned how to use MeL Databases to find newspaper and magazine articles about how smoking affects health, the economy, and the environment. A smoking ban would have a positive effect on all of these topics.
Accomplishments Website Review Group We have researched the effects of smoking and tobacco. Also, we have researched the ingredients in cigarettes. We have found anti- smoking organizations to help us establish a smoking ban. We interviewed restaurant owners who got more business with a smoking ban.
Accomplishments Survey Group We made surveys and passed them around the class. When the surveys came back to us, we compiled the data and made circle graphs with the data. We found that most people don’t smoke and a lot of people want a smoking ban.
People Surveyed
Accomplishments Interview Group We interviewed D. A. R. E. Officer Matt and an Anti-Smoking Group Member. We interviewed Marc Corriveau and Dr. Greg Yanik. We also interviewed the Northville City Council.
We will now show you our video of the interview with the Northville City Council.
Action Plan Put up posters Make speeches Make a website and advertise it. Go on the radio. Get other people to support us and spread the word. Our end results hope to be a complete smoking ban in Michigan. Write letters to the Representatives of Michigan.
Credits Website Review Team: Jimmy, Jonathan N., Chase, Andrew L., Claire, and Swati. Literature Review Team: Ioan, Alissa, Max, Ryan, Lydia, Luke. Survey Team: Chris, Jack P., Veronica, Matthew, Julian, Interview Team. Interview Team: Jonathan B., Nicholas, Jack E., Karl, Andrew S., Lilly, Zoe.
Bibliography Literature Review Group: MeL Database: Newspaper-Weekly Reader, Magazine-Time for Kids, Wall Street Journal, The Toronto Star Syndicate, NEFA Student Reference Sheet, Encyclopedia Britanniea. Website Review Group: Scotland jp, Scotland Interview Group: DARE Officer Matt, the Northville City Council, Dr. Greg Yanik, Marc Corriveau, Northville Mayor Chris Johnson, Nancy Darga, Doug Bingham, Wayne County Commissioner Laura Cox, Anti-smoking Group Member Mrs. Witter, Survey Group: Everyone who gave us our survey data,