MODEL LESSON PLAN Name of the Student Teacher : A. R. PRINCI FRANKLINA Name of the Practising School : Government Girls Hr.Sec.School,Keelmanamedu Standard : X Subject : BIOLOGY Topic : HUMAN BODY Unit : CIRCULATORY SYSTEM No.of Students : 35 Period : VII Duration : 40 Minutes Date :
A. INSTRUCTION OBJECTIVES: The Pupils, Acquires the knowledge about the human circulatory system. Understands the knowledge about blood Vessels conected with the human heart. Applies the knowledge to find out the circulation of blood. Understands the knowledge about the blood corpuscles Applies the skill to find out the function of blood. Develops the skill of drawing internal structure of human heart.
B. SPECIFICATIONS The Pupils, Motivation about the human circulatory system. Recognize the importance of the human heart. Identifies the Previous knowledge about the human heart. Define the pericardial fluid. Explain the shape of the human heart. Describes the structure of the human heart. Classifies the circulation of blood and its types. List out the types of blood. Differentitates Arteries and veins. List out the functions of blood. Draw the internal structure of human heart.
C. TEACHING AIDS Chart showing the internal structure of the human heart. Chart showing the difference between Artery and Veins Flash Card Colour chalk piece Structure of the human heart – Working model Matching board Black board
SPECIFICATIONS Motivation CONTENT LEARNING EXPERIENCE The teacher ask questions to the pupil: Which organ is used to pump the blood? The blood which carries oxygen is known as What are the different system present in our body? When any injuries or cut in our body, Name the fluid which wose out immediately? List our Some of thedonations from our body? EVALUATION
SPECIFICATIONS Recognizes CONTENT The Human heart plays vital role in our circulatory system LEARNING EXPERIENCE EVALUATION In which part of the body the circulatory system takes place?
SPECIFICATIONS Identify CONTENT The Circulatory system is made up of the hear,blood and blood Vessels LEARNING EXPERIENCE The pupil identified the circulaory system. EVALUATION What do you know about the circulatory system?
SPECIFICATIONS Defines CONTENT The space between the pericardial membrane is called Pericardial space which is filled with fluid called Pericardial fluid. This pericardial fluid protects the heart from shock. The heart is placed inside the throacic chamber in between two lungs. LEARNING EXPERIENCE Students understood about the Pericardial fluid. EVALUATION Define Pericardial fluid
SPECIFICATIONS Explains CONTENT The heart is a hollow, muscular organ. It is some what conical in shape. The heart is covered with double walled membrane called Pericardium. LEARNING EXPERIENCE Teacher explain the structure of heart EVALUATION Name the double walled memberance that covers heart.
SPECIFICATIONS Describes CONTENT The heart is four chambered musculart organs that pumps blood. The two upper chambers are called artria and two lower thicker chambers are called Ventricles LEARNING EXPERIENCE Student understood about the chambers of the heart EVALUATION What is the name of the two upper chambers of the heart?
SPECIFICATIONS Classifies CONTENT Blood Circulation Pulmonary circulation loop Systematic circulation loop LEARNING EXPERIENCE Student classifies the types of blood circulation EVALUATION Classify the Blood circulation?
SPECIFICATIONS List Outs CONTENT The blood corpuscles are of three types. 1. Erythrocytes or Red blood corpuscles (RBC) 2. Leucocytes or White blood corpuscles (WBC) 3. Thrombocytes or Blood Platelets LEARNING EXPERIENCE Pupil learn the 3 types of blood corpuscles. EVALUATION List out the three types of blood corpuscles.
SPECIFICATIONS List Outs CONTENT Blood carries the metabolic waste to the excretory organs Blood distributes the digested food Blood carries hormones which are secretions of endocrine grands. Blood distributes the heart evenly throughout the body. Blood keeps all the tissues moist LEARNING EXPERIENCE Teacher explain the functions of blood EVALUATION State any two functions of blood
SPECIFICATIONS Differentiates CONTENT Arteries It carries blood from the heart to the organs It carries oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery The wall is thick and elastic It is found deep inside the muscles Valves are absent Veins It carries blood from the organs to the heart It carries deoxygenated blood except pulmonary veins The wall is thin and elastic It is found superficially Valves are present LEARNING EXPERIENCE Teacher shows the chart of difference between arteries ad veins to the students EVALUATION State the difference between arteries and veins
SPECIFICATIONS Draws CONTENT LEARNING EXPERIENCE Teacher shows the model of internal structure of the human heart and explain. Pupil draw the strucuture of heart EVALUATION Draw and Labelled the structure of heart.
E. REVIEW: Define circulatory system. What is Pericardial fluid? From which value the heart receives oxygenated blood. Define Plasma. How many types of WBC are there? What is the life span of RBC? What is Leucocytes? Define Erythrocytes. What are blood corpuscles? Write the functions of blood platelets?
F. ASSIGNMENTS: Explain the working principle of the human heart Describe the human heart with a labelled diagram? Differentiate between Arteries and Veins Signature of the Student teacher Signature of the Guide Teacher