Update from EMPHO and TCR April 2007
Small Area Database (Dave) Small area data available on EMPHO website – Data Sets available at Lower Layer Super Output Area Level: Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMR), for: - All Age, All Cause Mortality - Under 75, All Cause Mortality - Under 75, All Cancer Mortality - Under 75, All Circulatory Disease Mortality Low Birth Weight percentages,
Small Area Database Data available at Ward level: Life Expectancy, Males - Females Synthetic Estimates of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours, Smoking Prevalence in adults - Obesity Prevalence in adults - Binge Drinking Prevalence in adults - Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in adults and children (Due to be updated with data at Middle Layer Super Output Area level in late May/June 2007 – All indicators except Fruit and Vegetable consumption in Children) Under 18 Conception rates, Difference to national (England) rate
Inequalities Reports Report for each County / UA in East Midlands Provide an overview of the data To be made available on the EMPHO website shortly Reports contain: Map and information about All Age, All Cause Mortality. Other Key Findings from the other data sets Other useful sources of Small Area information (on reverse) Directions to access EMPHO’s Small Area Data –
Monitoring Trends in Health (Georgie) 2007 Update published in April Evaluates regional trends in relation to 2010 health improvement and health inequalities targets Trend data for 1995 – 2005 Comparison of best and worst quintiles Key Message: Health is improving but the inequalities gap is not narrowing Indicators: Life expectancy at birth Teenage pregnancy rate <75 mortality rate from circulatory disease <75 mortality rate from cancer Mortality rate from accidents Suicide rate Smoking prevalence
Monitoring Trends in Health (Georgie)
Performance Management Reports (Howard) Request from SHA that EMPHO do something to enable monitoring of delivery of national health improvement objectives Put forward proposal to use the LHO model – quarterly reports for each PCT Data presented as traffic lights – most indicating progress towards a target Maps illustrating how PCTs compare Charts presenting past performance and project current trend
Trent Cancer Registry (Jason Poole): Work in Progress Age-standardised lung cancer incidence rates in the East Midlands by sex and deprivation, Cancer Inequalities in the East Midlands
Male lung cancer incidence between LAs,
LAAs (Shelley) HP2 (Shelley) LHO Health Inequalities Intervention Tool (Shelley) Health Inequalities theme pages on EMPHO website (Shelley / Georgie) Prevalence modelling (Dave) Updated lifestyle synthetic estimates (Dave) Child Measurement Programme (Kath) Physical Activity webpages (Kath) EM PH GIS Network (John) etc