„Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti Realism VYPRACOVAL: Mgr, Vladislav, Kravec Január 2014
Content Definition of Realism Realism specifics Gustave Courbet The Barbizon School The English landscape artists
Definition “Realism is an approach to art in which subjects are depicted in as straightforward a manner as possible, without idealizing them and without following rules of formal artistic theory.“ (source:
Gustave Courbet, The Painter's Studio Oil on canvas, 1855
Realism specifics Realism was a historical movement that had a profound influence on the literature and figurative arts of Europe. The year 1855 was significant in the establishment of Realism in Europe. Artists portrayed life as it was and without any form of ideality.
Gustave Courbet ( ) A French painter who is considered to be a leader of Realism in France In 1855 he exhibited his work in Paris in the Pavilion du Realisme, a building that he himself paid for. He exhibited about forty paintings, including The Painter's Studio, which had been refused by the jury of the Exposition Universelle
The Barbizon School The Barbizon School was a group of landscape artists working in the area of the French town of Barbizon, south of Paris. They rejected the Academic tradition, abandoning theory in an attempt to achieve a truer representation of life in the countryside, and are part of the French Realist movement. Camille Corot, Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau, 1832 or 1833
The Barbizon School Theodore Rousseau (not to be confused with naive artist Henri Rousseau) is the best-known member of the group. Other prominent members : Constant Troyon, Charles-Francois Daubigny, Camille Corot Theodore Rousseau
The English landscape artists John Constable ( exhibited with great success at the so-called English Salon of Together with Joseph Mallord William Turner( ), they were largely responsible for introducing a new approach to landscape painting that was to have a major influence on European art. They brought to landscape painting a respect for location, a belief that the commonplace was worth painting and that changing atmospheric effects (light and weather) were an essential part of the landscape.
The English landscape artists J.M.W Turner, Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway John Constable, The Hay Wain
Constable’s Art works
SOURCES et_-_Le_D%C3%A9sesp%C3%A9r%C3%A9.JPG et_-_Le_D%C3%A9sesp%C3%A9r%C3%A9.JPG _LAtelier_du_peintre.jpg/1280px-Courbet_LAtelier_du_peintre.jpg _LAtelier_du_peintre.jpg/1280px-Courbet_LAtelier_du_peintre.jpg 0of%20a%20Wood%20Theodore%20Rousseau.jpg 0of%20a%20Wood%20Theodore%20Rousseau.jpg 036b.jpg 036b.jpg _-_Salisbury_Cathedral_from_the_Bishop's_Garden_- _Google_Art_Project.jpg _-_Salisbury_Cathedral_from_the_Bishop's_Garden_- _Google_Art_Project.jpg bielefeld.de/lili/personen/fleischmann/d_archsuse05/210_constable_st oneh.jpg bielefeld.de/lili/personen/fleischmann/d_archsuse05/210_constable_st oneh.jpg