Mind Mapping A mind-blowing alternative to taking notes (endorsed by Bill Gates)
Mind Mapping? An alternative method of note-taking. It uses lots of color It uses quick draws/cartoons/graph ics It can be very creative (and can keep you engaged with boring material....)
This is a free form way of taking notes but there are a few rules:
1. Center is always the topic of the notes 2. Lines going out to sub-topics are always fat then narrow as they go out from the main topic 3. The subtopic lines are always labeled with text 4. Use pictures/drawings to engage and keep your interest
See if you can read the following mind map. What is the main topic? What are the sub topics?
Mind Map As Art
Mind Mapping as a group exercise
Your task Experiment with mind mapping. Try it as a group if you’d like. Topics to choose from for review are found in the End of Unit reviews posted on the wiki under the Google calendar. If you choose just one topic to do then you need to do our oldest one... Empires in the 1500s.