Process Analysis Paragraph Chpt 21, pg 411 A method of development that provides a step-by-step explanation of how something is done or how something works.
process analysis paragraphs or essays ► to explain the steps or stages in processes or procedures. ► explains how to do something or ► explains how something works
1. Make sure all steps are included ► Exercise 3. pg 414 ► How to prepare for an essay exam ► Missing steps? ► Some form of outlining or note taking from assigned reading ► Forming study groups to prepare for the test ► Studying regularly over time rather than cramming
Achieving Coherence ► Ordered chronologically If you are describing the process of cleaning an electric mixer, it is important to unplug the machine before you remove the blades. A person could lose their fingers if this step is not done in the right order! ► Ordered logically
A process paragraph or essay is organized chronologically. Chronological order adds coherence to the essay. You must present the steps in the correct order.
Exercise 5, pg ► Put the sentences in their proper order by placing a number on the line. ► Answers: ►7►7►7►7 ►5►5►5►5 ►1►1►1►1 ►8►8►8►8 ►2►2►2►2 ►6►6►6►6 ►3►3►3►3 ►9►9►9►9 ►4►4►4►4
Transitions ► To guide your reader clearly. ► Takes your writing from lists to paragraphs ► (pg 416) The first step, in the beginning, while, as you are, the last step, etc
Assignment: How to Put On A Coat Explain how to put on a coat – to someone who has limited English skills does not know attire/clothing terminology – “coat,” “sleeve,” “zipper,” “button” in writing (without gesturing)
Journal Assignment ► Choose ONE Exercise/Assignment from pgs ► Write at least one paragraph that describes a process. (1 paragraph, if done perfectly, will earn a C)
I should be able to recreate the process that you describe.