VCE P.E Unit 1: Bodies in motion
UNITS 1 & 2 Unit 1: Bodies in motion (Energy systems, musculoskeletal system, cardio-respiratory system) Unit 2: Sports coaching and physically active lifestyles
STUDY HABITS Organisation Reading and note taking Time management SAC preparation Catching up
ENERGY SYSTEMS! Three metabolic systems responsible for the production of ATP When do we use energy systems?
WHAT IS ATP? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): A chemical compound formed with energy released from food and stored in all cells, especially muscles. Split into asenosine diphosphate and phosphate to produce energy Draw diagram on Pg. 313 (ATP breakdown and energy release)
CHECKPOINTS P. 314 Questions 1-6
FOOD CONVERSION TO ENERGY Carbohydrates – How it’s used during exercise? Examples? Fats - How it’s used during exercise? Examples? Protein - How it’s used during exercise? Examples?
THE THREE ENERGY SYSTEMS 1. The ATP=PC system (Creatine phosphate) 2. The Lactic Acid system (Anaerobic glycolysis) 3. The Aerobic system (Oxygen system) Research your energy system and report back to the group…(provide examples, pictures and definitions.
TESTING YOUR HEART RATE Find your pulse - Carotid Pulse (neck) or Radial Pulse (wrist) Count how many beats over a 15 second period Multiple that number by 4 What was your resting heart rate?
PRACTICAL EXERCISE Data analysis – understanding energy systems Game: Handball / Netball -Choose 1 student to collect heart rate data at regular intervals while participating in one of the above activities… -Date collected in 5 minute intervals -Record position played and HR readings in a written table
PRACTICAL EXERCISE Maximum vs submaximal activity Pg. 326
THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Read the overview of the skeletal system (P. 253) Draw and label the diagrams of the front and back view of the skeleton Draw a quick picture of each of the types of bones and write your own description next to them
CHECKPOINTS Qu. 1, 2, 3, 4 (P. 261)
MUSCULAR SYSTEM OVERVIEW Read information and complete Coursework Qu’s (P. 263) Complete Checkpoints Qu. 1, 2, 3 (P. 265)
Use the internet site below to label and identify major bones and muscles
CONTRACTIONS What are the three types of muscle contractions?
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY Complete the coursework activity on Pg. 278
TYPES OF JOINTS In pairs: -research 2 different types of joints and create a WORD doc describing each (include pictures and text)
MUSCLE FIBRES Fast twitch Slow twitch -What are the characteristics of each? Draw a diagram of the microscopic structure of skeletal muscle.
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY Students need to research in pairs 3 exercises that work different muscles in the body (check with teacher if your exercise is already being used by another pair) Set up stations in the gym In pairs students rotate through stations and record which main muscle groups and contractions they are using for each station Check with the maker of the station for accuracy.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Read through each chapter and complete the test your knowledge questions for holiday homework