Mission: To collaborate with science faculty in order to develop effective and positive learning environments; to promote critical reading skills and fruitful writing in the science classroom…
Task (Part I): 30 minute Writing Workshop Research note-taking models and how to close read Close reading activity using a dialectical notebook Class discussion Reflective writing exercise
Task (Part II): Research> Discuss/Debate> Reflect> Write
Slows down reading process, forcing the reader to take notice of detail Promotes reflection—a deeper level of thinking Builds confidence
Promotes research and accountability Collaborative approach Designed and sequenced to develop critical levels of inquiry Process over product
Conclusion: using the right tool What I have learned… When the emphasis is on process, patience is key. Science is still hard (for me, personally)
Taking a chance—trying it out… Developing further assessment of WebQuest implementation… Will this model be effective for Science students??