Know about the Earth’s Interior Know about the Earth’s Atmosphere Know about the Earth’s Magnetic Field The Earth – Inside and Out
Lesson Overview Earth’s Interior Earth’s Atmosphere Earth’s Magnetic Field
Earth’s Interior: Three Parts Crust is the outer layer of Earth The next layer down is the mantle, a thick solid layer between Earth’s crust and its core The core of the Earth is the central part of the Earth, made up of a solid inner core surrounded by a liquid outer core
Earth’s Three Layers Chemical differentiation refers to the sinking of denser material toward the center of planets or other objects
Motion of the Earth’s Crust Continental drift - the gradual motion of the continents relative to one another Rift zone - a line near the center of the Atlantic Ocean from which lava flows upward Plate tectonics - the motion of sections (plates) of the Earth’s crust across the underlying mantle
Earth’s Atmosphere Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% trace gases 4 layers Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermoshpere Transition to Space Temperature Shift Ozone Layer Where we live
Solstices and Equinoxes Solstice—either of the twice-yearly times when the Sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator Altitude – height measured as an angle above the horizon Vernal and autumnal equinoxes are the points when the Sun crosses the celestial equator At the equinoxes, night and day are equal
Earth’s Magnetic Field A magnetic field - what exists in a region of space where magnetic forces can be detected Magnetic north and the geographic North Pole aren’t the same Magnetic north can wander hundreds of miles
Van Allen Belts Charged particles from the Sun are captured by Earth’s magnetic field An aurora is light radiated in the upper atmosphere because of impacts from charged particles --They produce “curtains” of visible light in the night skies
Next… Done - Earth: Inside and Out Next – The Moon: Earth’s Fellow Traveler
Know about the Earth’s Interior Know about the Earth’s Atmosphere Know about the Earth’s Magnetic Field The Earth – Inside and Out