1781 Cornwallis continues to chase Greene all over the Carolinas Greene divides the southern army into two and Tarleton follows the decoy army Daniel Morgan defeats Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens The British are crippled in South Carolina
Off to the Races With the loss of critical parts of his army at Cowpens, Cornwallis has a choice: Withdraw, regroup, and resupply Chase Greene north toward Virginia Cornwallis burns everything he doesn’t need so that his army can move fast If Greene reaches Virginia, he will escape
The Battle of Guilford Court House Cornwallis sacrifices several hundred men in a skirmish with Greene He won, but lost ¼ of his army Parliament, becoming agitated over the length and cost of the war, quipped “Another such victory will ruin the British Army.” Cornwallis has no choice now: he must catch Greene, force a battle, and win FAST
The Race to Virginia The two armies engage in a high-speed race across South Carolina, into North Carolina heading toward the Virginia border The armies move at breakneck speed: covering 40 miles A DAY! At most, Cornwallis is sixteen hours to a day behind Greene…sometimes he’s only minutes or hours Several times, Cornwallis comes close to catching Greene…but misses him by a few hundred yards
The Fateful Decision Greene escapes into Virginia and Cornwallis is forced to withdraw Against the advice of British general Benedict Arnold, Cornwallis decides to retreat to Yorktown to await reinforcements from Henry Clinton in New York City